No one denies that the War in Afghanistan began in retaliation for the sneak attacks of September 11, 2001. What soon became known as Bush’s War became Obama’s War in 2009 when the newly elected president decided to escalate the war by sending more troops in an attempt to create a surge such as the one in Iraq. Unfortunately, the Obama administration was not as well advised or prepared to take this step. Obama launched the surge without any clear military strategy for the end of the war.
When George W. Bush ordered the strikes on Afghanistan, most of us believed that his objective was to destroy the Taliban and to capture Osama bin Laden. We supported this objective and we supported our troops. Although the eventual capture of bin Laden came during Obama’s tenure in office, he eluded capture because the Pakistani government protected him all along while pretending to be America’s ally and accepting American foreign aid. Bush’s failure came not in failing to capture bin Laden, but rather in attempting to “nation build” in Afghanistan.
A cursory glance at the history of the Afghan people will show that for the most part, Afghans have for centuries been fiercely proud of their land, religion and ancestry. They value their independence, and their loyalty is first to their local leaders and their tribe. Afghanistan is inhabited by various ethnic groups who don’t share the same language, customs or traditions. The people of Afghanistan have never identified with national unity.
It is ludicrous to attempt to force a Western style democracy on them because they will not accept it. Democracy and Islam do not mix well. The concept of a national identity is quite a fragile one for the Afghan people. Religion is the common thread that binds all these people. Islam is followed by almost all Afghans and it dominates much of their personal, political, economic and legal lives.
Two Sisters From The Right believe that after 10 years of war it is time to begin withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan. Barack Obama’s timeline of 2014 for a complete withdrawal is simply not acceptable. Enough American blood has been shed, and enough American lives have been lost in a country where it is obvious the people no longer welcome our presence, if they ever did.
The reaction of the Afghans to the act of mistakenly burning a few Korans which had already been desecrated by other Afghans is a very graphic hint that religious zealotry is predominant in that country. That incident sparked a rash of violence among the Afghans which lasted several weeks. It resulted in 30 deaths, and afforded the corrupt Afghan President Karsai the opportunity to capitalize on the people’s rage and win approval points from his opponents.
Two Sisters believe that Barack Obama should not have apologized to Karsai. A simple, “It was a mistake,” should have sufficed. Instead Americans appeared to be groveling for forgiveness. Obama’s idea of diplomacy seems to always come in the form of an apology, making the United States appear weak.
The recent “massacre” of civilians by one soldier was a tragedy. Karsai’s calling for putting him on trial in Afghanistan is a travesty. Two Sisters agree that the soldier should be tried in a military court, and be taken out of the country as soon as possible. As tragic as the murder of women and children was, the Afghans reaction once again brought to the surface how the situation in Afghanistan is rapidly unraveling.
As of April 2011, at least 858 U.S. soldiers had died in the Afghanistan war since Barack Obama took office in January 2009. That equals 60 percent of the 1,427 American soldiers killed so far in the 10-year war in that country at the time. Be it obstinacy or lack of military knowledge, the fact is clear that Barack Obama’s foreign policy in Afghanistan has been a complete failure.
Just yesterday when Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, arrived in Afghanistan for talks with US and Afghan military leaders, there was an attempt on his life by a would be suicide attacker, yet at the joint meeting American Marines were asked to turn in their weapons and enter a room with hostile Afghans unarmed. This is how one of the most influential persons in the world is protected? Considering the fact that several Americans have been killed by their Afghan counterparts one wonders who was making the decisions there and why.
One reason that Barack Obama was elected was that he ran as an anti-war candidate. Yet, it was he who escalated the war in 2009. Ten years into the war, two thirds of all Americans want to see an immediate troop withdrawal. Two Sisters From The Right have always supported the American military, and it is because of our great respect and concern for them that we join with those who want to see an end to our involvement in Afghanistan. We won the war in Afghanistan. The Taliban was thrown out of Afghanistan and Navy Seal Team Six captured and executed the elusive Osama bin Laden. There isn’t any more to be gained by remaining there.
Because of the recent and well publicized events and the escalating violence in Afghanistan, the issue of troop withdrawal has become a talking point with politicians. We reproach anyone in either party who uses the issue of troop withdrawal to attempt to gain votes. We are talking about human lives here, real patriots and American heroes who have put themselves in harm’s way in a remote corner of the world because they answered their country’s call to duty.
Ten years at war is just too long. Instead of apologizing to Karsai we should be forcing him to clean up his corruption. We’ve given the Afghans the training and the tools to fight off the Taliban if that is what they wish. We’ve done enough. We’ve lost too much. The time has come to declare victory and to bring our troops home!
Two Sisters From The Right.
Labels: Afghan War Obama's failure troop withdrawal Afghan people escalating violence Corruption Karsai