Wednesday, January 12, 2011

That Desert Island is Looking Good!

Today, guest author Rich Carroll explains some of the reasons why Americans are angry.
By Rich Carroll

To say “tensions are high” between the two voting parties in the United States is an understatement. How many times in the past few months have you heard someone say “We are on the fringe of a revolution!?” Caustic speech is now an every day occurrence, and the effect is chilling: Americans are not shy about showing their disdain for each other. Indeed, our own President has referred to Americans who oppose his agenda as “the enemy.” Maybe a Freudian tongue slip, maybe a reflection of his true feelings; either way, a shocking low for our nation and our leadership. What can possibly be next?

Society Americana is angry. You can twist it, turn it, soft peddle it in any way you choose, but it boils down to the fact that people are more openly hostile now than at anytime during my life on Earth. We are a nation divided, and that yawning fissure grows wider and deeper by the day. Merely existing in our current culture is to be exposed to outrageous vitriol from anyone with an axe to grind, a complaint to be lodged, or feelings that have been hurt. Culpability doesn’t really matter, the expression of feeling is more accepted and affirmed than any actual basis for such display.

What is making us so “hot?”

Could Americans be angry because we have high unemployment; higher than the 10 per cent reported and Obama is doing this?:  

Does this make American’s mad?: 

How about things like this?

On the cusp of the terrible shootings in Tucson, Arizona, Americans get to read news items like this that would have any SANE person pulling their hair out:

Of course they are angry about a terrorist (Bill Ayers) supplying curriculum for America’s school children!

There are many, many situations in our day to day life that agitate “we, the people“: Islamoncapitolhill informs each of us that we have a Muslim Administration. Nice.

Does it make you angry knowing that Obama’s administration is one of the most corrupt in the history of this great nation?

It certainly makes ME angry, but then, what do you expect from the most liberal U.S. Senator in the history of America? What should we feel about our fellow Americans who voted for this leftist and now feign shock that, as citizens, we’re being manhandled like so many sheep in the field.

Americans are angry because our government won’t recognize our enemy. We tiptoe around Islam making our way of life subservient because we are too politically correct to save our Judeo/Christian heritage. We have an Administration that considers global warming more of a threat than Islamic terrorism and uses the phrase “man caused disasters” to describe bloody death and dismemberment at the hands of Muslims. The Muslim dog is wagging the United States Tail now… and we are ANGRY.

Muslims building a mosque at ground zero in New York makes us mad:

Muslims being allowed to demonstrate at will on our streets, burn our flag, and sue us because they don’t like our customs and traditions makes us ANGRY. We are angry because we have self-serving, corrupt, life-long pork spending politicians who are totally disenfranchised from American citizens. “Let’s pass the bill so we can know what’s in it” and “Arresting illegals is un-American” are the kinds of quotes from politicians that make us angry.

Liberal politicians who want to continue the unabated flood of illegal immigrants into America make us angry. We cannot afford these people, and we are angry that Washington doesn’t understand this concept. We are angry at our politicians lies of "we hear you, we understand, we'll do better" even as everyday "D.C. business" continues as if there will never be any consequences. We are angry at the obvious lipservice and lack of reform.

As our own ‘culture’ becomes more and more hostile to us, EVERY DAY AMERICANS, what is the proper response? Rioting? Revolution? Disgust, for sure. And for me, as the odds grow ever higher against us, that lonely desert island is looking better every day.  Sadly, a real “isolationist” solution for an every day American who is fed up with the hate that seemingly never ends.


At January 20, 2011 at 1:07 PM , Anonymous Bobby Jean Simkins said...

As always, Rich aims a well-placed and well-deserved kick to America's complacent and desensitized posterior. We no longer have the luxury of basking in our freedom, taking its comforting presence for granted. It is good to know America's voice of reason is still prodding us to THINK about what it means to be an American.

At July 5, 2016 at 6:56 PM , Blogger aksawy said...

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