Saturday, February 26, 2011

American Freedom And Prosperity Under Attack

This is a fabulous series by the editors of IBD Editorials.  We will publish as it appears on their website so that you can read the rest of the article at your leisure

How "Transformative" Change Threatens Our Nation's Future

IBD Exclusive Series
This ongoing series will take a look at how the attempt to "transform" America is undermining the foundations of our country's success. From free speech and free markets, to innovation and individual responsibility, we'll look at the impact an ever larger and more intrusive government is having on the key pillars of our economy and culture.

Part 1
The President's Trick Or Tweet
Free Speech: President Obama, while addressing college graduates, condemns our access to new media as a subversion of democracy. Is the iPad a threat to democracy or exactly what Thomas Jefferson had in mind?
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Part 2
Federal Mutual Fund
Government Retirement: Democrats have obliquely admitted they covet Americans' pensions. Last week, congressional Republicans told them to stay away. The shame is that they had to do anything at all.
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Part 3
Kerry's Powerless America Act
Regulations: Call it cap-and-trade or bait-and-switch, but John Kerry and Joe Lieberman continue to tilt at windmills with a bill to restrain energy growth in the name of saving the planet.
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Part 4
Loss Of Faith
Democracy: It's an awful thing in a country when its people no longer believe the government protects them and their rights. Yet, a new poll shows that's exactly where Americans are headed right now.
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 When Americans begin to see their government and their elected officials as the enemy, our nation is indeed in trouble.  We should never forget that this is a GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.  Readers will see those words repeated over and over in this blog. 

We have gone from a nation that was built on  the wisdom and rules of law written  in the Constitution, from a nation with  exemplary principles, and a nation wherein every man has the freedom to express his opinion, to one where history has been changed at the will of a few, and where a great number of its citizens are ignorant of government and how a democracy works.  We have allowed a few to influence multitudes. 

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt said:  "Our children should learn the general framework of their government and then they should know where they come in contact with the government, where it touches their daily lives and where their influence is exerted on the government. It must not be a distant thing, someone else's business, but they must see how every cog in the wheel of a democracy is important and bears its share of responsibility for the smooth running of the entire machine."

Only through education and knowledge, self assertiveness and self control will we defeat that attack that has been launched on our American Freedom and our Prosperity. 

Carpe diem - Seize the moment, seize it now, seize it quickly before it  is gone from our reach forever. 
Two Sisters

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At May 4, 2020 at 2:56 PM , Blogger Vennala said...

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