Saturday, April 16, 2011

Obama's Muslim “Schtick” Has Grown Rancid

by Rich Carroll

The sane among us knew perfectly well why a man named Barry Soetoro would change his name to the Sunni Muslim name of Barack Hussein. He is one, and the “sane” among us are beyond weary of Obama's continual defense of and aggrandizement for Islam. Like all Muslim apologists, Obama adapts Mohammad's teachings to suit the values that spread well when people know nothing about Islam. Barack Hussein Obama held a finger up when he told an audience “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” What a monumental lie. As of this writing Muslims have committed 17, 058 global terrorist attacks murdering millions of innocent people to include women and children in their random “death to all” bombings. Where is the tolerance? Verse Qur'an 98:6 – Those who disbelieve in the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and the Prophet Mohammed and all Mushikrun will abide in the fires of hell. They are the worst of creatures. Is there “tolerance” in these words? How about Qur'an 9:33It is He who has sent His messenger (Mohammed) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikrun (you and I) hate it.

Obama likes to use the phrase “The Holy Qur'an tells us.” “Us?” This murderous volume may tell YOU things, Barack Hussein; it certainly doesn't tell me anything but hatred towards infidels and I've read it three times. America is fed-up with your “I consider it my responsibility to fight against negative stereotype of Islam where ever they appear.” Do you consider random Muslim bombing blood baths “negative stereotyping?” It's time you stood-up and fought against the negative stereotype of Jews and Christians; but then we ALL know that is too much to ask because we KNOW what you are. You have said “The Holy Qur'an tells us” once too many times.

Americans are becoming educated about Islam. They are reading the cult of death messages and rejecting this trash. The “schtick” you are pushing out of our White House and instructing your minions to use the phrase “The Holy Qur'an” is not lost on the citizenry. We are quite aware that you have instructed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Army General David Petraeus to use the phrase “The Holy Koran” when speaking about Islam. Operating enduring Sharia may work among your Muslim and communist and anti-American lackeys but not with the rest of us. Want to know why your approval ratings are tanking? “We the people” are realizing you could care less about America; our history and people, and you care more about the nation of Islam.

We understand it is YOUR instructions in a recent Department of Defense directive that tells military personnel when handling a copy of the Qur'an to:

“two hands will be used at all times when handling the Koran in a manner signaling respect and reverence. Care should be used so that the right hand is the primary one used to manipulate any part of the Koran due to the cultural association with the left hand. Handle the Koran as if it were a fragile piece of delicate art.”

This means the Obama administration has given the Koran privileged status over the Bible.

The first clause in the First Amendment of our Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” - is generally referred to as the “establishment clause.” It is the establishment clause that grants separation of church and state, preventing, for example, a government funded church of the United States from coming into being. Someone needs to remind our Muslim in Chief of this clause, the same one who recently gave $770 million U.S. Dollars to refurbish mosques around the globe. The odor of his Muslim messages is stinking up the place. “We the people” have seen and heard quite enough. Too many Americans, Christians and Jews, are dying at the hands of a murderous cult he is trying to promote.

Copyright 2011 - Richard Carroll