Meet "Governor Goodhair"...
...or why we worry about Rick Perry running for POTUS.
Some of us in our Texas family, jokingly and affectionately call Rick Perry, "Governor Goodhair." It isn't because we don't like him, many of us do, but rather because that is one of his special physical attributes most likely to be targeted by those who would seek to ridicule him and discredit the man and his accomplishments. Whereas we unabashedly like and appreciate the man, the jokes about his enviable coiffure have already begun by those here in the state as they prepare to begin lambasting his possible candidacy.

We're not certain that we're ready to see the nation's most successful governor and his lovely family being put through the wringer that is presidential politics. It isn't that we object to a possible Perry candidacy because we feel he's not qualified. On the contrary, unlike Barrack Hussein Obama, he is extremely qualified to lead this nation, and above all, there are no mysteries about Rick Perry's life.
Born in Paint Creek, Texas, Perry is a fifth generation Texan. He was an Eagle Scout who attended Texas A & M University and received a degree in animal husbandry. He was also a member of the Texas A & M Corps of Cadets and a yell leader. His birth certificate and transcripts are a matter of public record. After graduation in 1972 he he was commissioned in the United States Air Force, completed pilot training and flew C-130 tactical airlift in the United States, the Middle East, and Europe until 1977. He left the Air Force with the rank of captain, returned to Texas and went into business farming cotton with his father.*
Previously a Democrat, Rick Perry has served as a Texas State Representative, Agriculture Commissioner and Lieutenant Governor, before taking over the office of Governor when George W. Bush was elected president. One cannot say that he is lacking in legislative experience. Perry grew up a Democrat, supported Al Gore's first presidential campaign and even chaired his Texas campaign. He became a Republican in 1989. We are glad he saw the light!
A devout Christian, he is an ardent opponent of abortion. On July 13, 2011 he joined Mexican-born movie actor Eduardo Verastegui, and Mexican soap opera star Veronica Castro, at a largely Hispanic anti-abortion rally in Los Angeles. Speaking in English, Perry addressed the crowd of 5,000 at the event co-sponsored by Verastegui's non profit anti abortion organization, which was held to raise funds to build a new women's health center in South Los Angeles. **
The current GOP field does not need any more candidates who will appeal to the Christian Pro Life voters in the country. Along with his opposition to federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, Perry also opposes the federal government's encroachment on state's rights. It is not his religious beliefs, or his stand on social issues that make Rick Perry an attractive candidate, nor the reasons why supporters seek to encourage him to run for president. It is, in our opinion, a simple matter of economics. However, there is much more to Rick Perry than the ability to encourage job creation and economic growth in Texas.
Our hesitation in encouraging a Rick Perry candidacy, is that we feel that Texas needs Rick Perry leadership, and he does not need to become the Republican Party's sacrificial lamb. He is in a good position now, why put it all on the line? The presently declared candidates are running because it is their ambition to do so. They haven't got nearly as much to lose.
The current candidates are not running because they have been openly courted by the GOP who feel that he can defeat Barack Obama in 2012. They do so of their own volition. Thus far, Rick Perry has only said that he's giving entering the race some thought. Before he has even made up his mind, the anti Perry jokes, articles, mud slinging, and dirt digging has begun.
Besides the fact that Texas needs his leadership, we hesitate to encourage a Perry candidacy, because we do not believe that this country will be very welcoming to another candidate from Texas this soon after George W. Bush, whom the Two Sisters greatly respect. Just as Jeb Bush is stigmatized by the family name and his kinship to GWB, Rick Perry is by being a Texan, and having served in the same Texas state administration as George W. Bush. There is also the fact that the liberal elitists do not necessarily want another candidate from a Southern state running for president.
The story of Texas' success during this recession surpasses that of other states. Rick Perry's leadership is to be credited for much of it. Texas, is the second-most populous state in the union, and has the world’s 12th largest economy. It is where 70 percent of all new jobs in the United States have been created since 2008. Here are two important facts about Texas that all should know:
- Amongst the 40 largest states (accounting for 97% of the U.S. population), Texas is the only one that still had more jobs in March 2010 than before the national recession began three years ago (Jan. 2007-Jan. 2010). Texas’ net increase in jobs compares to California’s net loss of nearly 1.3 million during the same period.
- Texas created more new jobs over the past decade than any other state in the nation. Most other U.S. states, on the other hand, actually ended the decade with fewer jobs than when it began. (Jan. 2000-Jan. 2010)
After final debates in the House and Senate, Texas lawmakers passed a two-year state budget on June 11, 2011, that cuts $15.2 billion from current spending — most of that in health and human services — but avoids increased taxes and leaves $6.5 billion untouched in the state's Rainy Day Fund.
Many of Perry's critics will certainly use those statistics against him, especially the cuts in education and in health and human services, which when combined make up 75 percent of the total budget. They need to look at Perry's past accomplishments in those fields as well. It is a certainty that the Texas debt would be used against Rick Perry in a presidential campaign, in spite of the fact that according to Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, "When we started this process, liberal interest groups were clamoring for a $10 billion increase in spending. The Texas budget shows Washington and the other 49 states that it's possible to make government live within its means without raising taxes. This budget makes a historic $15 billion cut from current spending, while still providing ample funding for our good teachers, our school children and our seniors."
Other issues to look for in a Perry candidacy which will be soundly and selectively attacked by liberals and some conservatives are his positions on the following subjects ***
- Opposition to gay rights and recognition of same sex unions
- Supports the death penalty
- Christian conservative who supports Israel believing that "the land was given to the people of Israel a long time ago, by God, and that's ordained."
- Supports the teaching of "intelligent design" alongside evolution
- Opposes a border fence in favor of "boots on the ground" to combat illegal immigration
- Issued an executive order mandating that Texas girls receive HPV vaccine that protects against some strains of the Human Papilloma virus, a cause of cervical cancer
- Proposed the Trans Texas Corridor
- Opposes regulation of greenhouse gas emissions
- Faces some opposition in Texas by both Republicans and Democrats
We promised to highlight the candidates along the campaign trail. This is the second time we've featured Rick Perry although he is not a declared candidate, but we must admit, he has been the easiest one for us to write about. We like Rick Perry, the governor and the man. He lacks the arrogance and conceit of other politicians. There is a simplicity in him that is admirable. Sister One has a personal story about Rick Perry that illustrates the quality of this man.
"We live in a small rural community in South Texas. Rick Perry was scheduled to visit a local school, to speak to the students, giving them an opportunity to meet and greet their governor. My youngest daughter was a Special Education teacher at that middle school. Her students prepared signs and drawings welcoming the governor. They waited a long time to be called to the assembly, and when she decided to investigate the hold up, she learned that the assembly had ended, and the school administration had decided to exclude the Special Education students. Clutching their signs in her hands, she ran to the entrance of the school just as Governor Perry was preparing to leave. His escorts attempted to hold her back, but she broke through and was greeted by the Governor himself. He took the time to hear her out, asked her about herself, her schooling, why she'd returned to this small community to teach, and then took the drawings that the children had prepared for him. One would think that he'd probably thrown them away, and perhaps he did. But, one week later, she received a personal letter from the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, thanking her AND especially the Special Education students for their good wishes. He had not forgotten them. She treasures it to this day."
Two Sisters From The Right
Copyright Two Sisters From The Right - June 15, 2011
Labels: Governor of Texas Rick Perry
Very good write up, but I disagree. Rick Perry should run for President of the U.S.
Do you realize how many conservatives disagree on the social conservative issues that have become center stage? How can you say limited government and then say that the Gov. has rights over a womans body and who can get married. That is a real contradiction.Did you know that 34% of gay man who voted in the last election voted Republican? The party is making promises to conservative Christians, but still raising money through the Log Cabin Republicans and making promises to them. I see a real mess coming down the road. I am really tired of the partisan politics and the division. I miss the Mike Castle Republicans, he says there are only 2 left, sad sad.
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