Two Sisters From The Right
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Perry's Ad is NOT Anti-gay!

· "There's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school."
I saw the ad on television one of the first and few times it aired here in South Texas. As soon as I heard his words I knew instantly that there would be someone, somewhere, who would jump on the bandwagon and scream “Homophobe!” It is such predictable behaviour. Even knowing that Perry employs gays on his staff is not enough to stop these insecure, intolerant people from making a mountain out of a molehill.
In my opinion, Governor Perry is correct in his statement. In fact, I agree with him 100%. He is stating a very real and a very simple fact. He is talking about changes that have taken place in this country that have altered the world in which we live. Some would consider it progress, others would heartily debate the issue.
During previous wars, and even during peace time, while there was a military draft in place, many attempted to avoid serving in the military by pretending to be homosexual. It would have meant instant exclusion. Like it or not, there was a time in our country when it was not agreeable to be openly homosexual. It was not considered acceptable by society then to have homosexuals serving in the military and perhaps creating undue stress on the troops. One of the main reasons was because homosexuality was not an accepted practice. It wasn’t commonplace to “come out.” In essence the law banning gays from enlisting also served as a protection for them. What we have now come to know as “hate crimes” against homosexuals were not as severely punished or prosecuted as they are today. In many cases perpetrators who harmed homosexuals got off with a plea of self defense against unwanted advances.
Today, in the 21st Century things are quite different and homosexuals have rights that are not only protected by law, but their alternative lifestyle is fairly accepted by many in society.
The other change to which the Governor referred to and that we must accept is the absence of prayer in the schools in the attempt to exclude God from our daily lives. The bitterness and vitriol with which many oppose the practice of Christian values and beliefs is also relatively new to our nation.
Regardless of what Barack Hussein Obama would like folks to believe, the United States of America is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles, teachings and tradition. Our Founding Fathers quoted the Bible and relied on prayer, their Christian faith, and Divine Guidance from God as they wrote the manuscripts and laws that evolved into our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the learned writings, and wisdom upon which still rely.
Just as it is peculiar to have homosexuals openly serving in the armed forces, it is unusual for children not to be able to have Christmas parties, and gift exchanges, Christmas concerts, and to go caroling. Most of you who can read this page remember Christmas Pageants at schools, Christmas parades in our cities and towns, and “city sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style.”
Suddenly a small minority are raising objections and expecting the majority to abide by their demands. Can one imagine anything more absurd than a group of atheists traveling from Wisconsin to Texas to force the citizens of one town to remove a manger scene?
Those who believe that Rick Perry’s add was anti-gay, or take offense to it, are invited to imagine what we who are believing Christians think about the abolition of our customs and traditions because a handful of malcontents can't read the First Amendment. Or is it that our rights, and our freedoms no longer count?
We live in a rapidly changing world. This election year is proof of that. The range of beliefs, ideologies, lives and experiences of the various candidates demonstrates it. We all make adjustments and practice tolerance when at times that it is the last thing we want to do.
Perhaps it is time that we stopped thinking in one issue terms and reassessed our love for this great country. Instead of reading between the lines, and misconstruing people’s words, try putting our country and the good of All Americans over practices that we have been forced by the courts to accept.
Recently a photograph made the headlines. The first gay military kiss between two women in uniform. I know gay women in my own family who would never consider making others uncomfortable by such an “in your face” display. Rather than being repulsed, I was embarrassed for them for being such manipulated fools.
My ten year old grandson recently had the distinction of being asked to emcee his school’s “Winter Extravaganza.” In my day that would have been the school’s Christmas program or Christmas concert, but they were forbidden to mention the name Christmas. Holiday and Winter are now the accepted terms.
That is what Rick Perry meant in his ad. There IS something wrong with a country that knuckles under to the wishes of small special interest groups and ignores those of the majority. Anyone who objects to his choice of words and thinks of it as an anti-gay ad, put yourself in the place of Christians who are denied their age old traditions to practice their Constitutionally given right to observe their faith. Consider the numbers of people and percentages of the population that are concerned in these issues, and then we can really talk about who is being discriminated against.
Sister One
for Two Sisters From The Right
December 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
More Than Rumors of War by Rich Carroll
Dear Readers:
I had written the last post for Two Sisters From The Right for 2011, however, today I received the following essay from frequent contributing commentator, author Rich Carroll. Mr. Carroll is the most read author on Two Sisters and has quite a following, so we simply could not close out the blog for the year without sharing this essay with his readers and fans.
Once again let us wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
Sister One
for Two Sisters From The Right
More than Rumors of War
by Rich Carroll
Allow me to address a subject without sounding like a disgruntled character in a Irving Wallace novel. This story at no point becomes my own, but the story belongs in the back of our minds to be pulled-up during this coming year and looked at with a more discerning eye as the months pass.
Our individual “issues”and problems today will seem petty and trivial in the face of what's to come: By the end of 2012 anarchy will run rampant across this great nation from the big cities to the small Kansas towns. Political affiliations will mean nothing. The new President you voted for in November may not even take office as what remains of our government will declare martial law and what is left of our military will roam your streets chasing looters. That said, allow me to wish each of my readers and fans a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Keep reading.
According to Bible prophecy experts, 2012 will end with a jarring screech sometime around Christmas. A nuclear holocaust that will begin in the Middle East and include the United States will consume 2 billion people; one-third of mankind; a death toll 40 times greater than World War II. The ninth chapter of the book of Revelation states this battle begins between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in an area known today as Iraq.
Many Bible interpreters believe as China and Russia join forces both U.S. coasts will suffer nuclear missile attacks. In a world of complete economic crash, both superpowers use force to protect their own countries and to secure for their people food and fuel resources. Hundreds of millions of inhabitants from Africa, all throughout the Middle East and a sixth of Russia will be wiped out when several things come together to create a flash point to include a global monetary collapse, a border treaty between Arab nations and Israel that is broken, and radical Muslim nuclear powers in the Middle East who try to use their source of oil to blackmail China and Russia, two vast nations that need massive amounts of fossil fuel to feed and warm their gigantic populations.
We cannot begin to comprehend the devastation. As a culture, ours will be left with a shattered infrastructure. Rationing and chaos will exist beyond your front door. Medical facilities will be overburdened and basic items like clean water and fresh bread will be a luxury. Does this seem impossible and ridiculous? See film footage of Germany before, during and after WWII.
For your own edification consult the books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelations in your own copy of the New Testament. During this coming year you will see and hear the Bible prophecy, both true and fiction. Do your OWN research.
What happens when the smoke clears? A world in chaos will chose an anti-christ; one man to lead the world. This anti-christ using iron-hand brutal force will rule the world for a period of 42 months (3.5 years) until the final battle at Armageddon when he and his followers are slayed by Christ's return to Earth.
Why are we to believe this? The Bible hasn't been wrong yet. Prophecy is coming to pass every day.
Writing this does not make me the craziest man who ever drew on a pair of trousers. This was an eye gouging decision. My advice is not to wait for an elected politician or “government official” do your thinking and contemplation for you. Do this yourself and plan accordingly. Be pro-active with your minds and talents because the flash of a nuclear bomb leaves you little time to “consider” options. Discuss this potential scenario with friends and family. Ignore never works.
I love this country. I love you all,
Copyright December 2011 - Rich Carroll
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Why I Support Rick Perry - by Sister One
Rick Perry "Politically Correct"
Those who revile Republicans who are critical of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney need to stop believing that those two men are the only ones who can beat Barack Obama.
"Republicans need to stop cutting each other down, and concentrate on beating Obama!" said one GOP acquaintance.
YES! It is understood that in order to keep our country from meeting a fate worse than death, what we must do in the presidential election of 2012 is to defeat the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama. However, what good will it do our nation and the American people to replace him with someone who will not bring about the necessary changes to correct the damage that has been done to our country. It is a ludicrous idea, and unfortunately, neither one of the two front runners. because of their previous histories, can inspire the confidence necessary, at least for this writer, to willingly cast a vote for either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich.
This is Newt Gingrich's first run at the presidency. I am old enough to remember a time when a man with Newt's "romantic" past would not have been considered as a candidate for POTUS, but times have changed. This is the "anything goes" Twenty First century. Newt Gingrich is undoubtedly the most intellectual candidate in the field. Not only is his intellect a factor in how people judge him, but he is extremely articulate as well. He's the best debater of all the candidates, and in spite of the tremendous baggage he brings with him he is impressing many GOP voters. For the discerning voter, there are any number of articles one can search on the Internet that aptly detail what has become known as "Newt Gingrich's Dark Side." Newt Gingrich is an old time Washington insider. Has he waited long enough to run for president? There are too many people around with long memories who vividly remember those things that Newt wishes they'd long forgotten.
There are more than two candidates in this race, and to believe that only Mitt Romney and/or Newt Gingrich can beat Barack Obama is naive and ridiculous. As bombastic as the two are and as confident as they wish to appear, the fact is that the Iowa race is wide open and anyone can come from behind and win the Iowas Caucuses.
So how does one beat Barack Obama? Recently Barack Hussein Obama was named "The Worst President America has ever had." This is a man who from the onset apologized to the world for the actions of the country and the people who had elected him president.
- He is a man who promised change and delivered none except for that atrocity commonly known as Obamacare.
- Our unemployment continues to be high.
- Our housing market is abysmal.
- He has betrayed even those who elected him. What has Obama done for the 98% of Blacks who went out in record numbers to vote for him? Giving a few of them government jobs has not addressed the problems which exist in the Black community.
Folks, at this point in time, Elmo the Muppet can beat Obama. If Republicans are serious about winning the presidential election of 2012, they must unite behind the one candidate who will make the changes required. That man is Texas Governor Rick Perry, and Two Sisters From The Right, a truly conservative blog, stands behind him one hundred percent.
I'm supporting Rick Perry for the following reasons:
- Rick Perry is the only candidate with lengthy governing experience. He is a proven leader.
- He has a record of success and job building. The Star Telegraph, a Texas newspaper announced today that " Increased oil and natural gas production, buoyed by higher market prices and improving technology, has helped drive an economic recovery, which will result in a$1.6 billion surplus for the state of Texas." What he has helped do for Texas, he can do for the United States.
- Rick Perry doesn't shut down pipelines, he encourages oil and gas production and above all he seeks independence from foreign oil providers.
- He creates jobs and puts Americans back to work.
- If any candidate knows how to secure the border it is Rick Perry. Unfortunately his pleas for help from the Federal Government and the Obama administration have gone unheeded. His plan is straightforward and simple. Put boots on the ground. Build strategic fences in the major cities which border Mexico, and use high tech equipment and air capabilities to patrol the isolated and difficult areas that need to be policed.
In an increasingly troubled world, where countries are engaged in civil wars, and we ourselves are at war, we need an experienced Commander in Chief. Not only did Rick Perry serve as a captain in the United States Air Force, he has commanded the Texas National Guard for ten years, many of those National Guardsmen have served in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Many lost their lives fighting for their country. It is those National Guardsmen who serve as boots on the ground to protect our border.
- Rick Perry is an Evangelical Christian, but in Texas, everyone has the right to worship freely.
- He is a fiscal conservative.
- He supports the First and Second Amendments.
- He is a strict constitutionalist who believes in states' rights.
- Rick Perry is a common man, who is understanding of others and tolerant of others as well. He has strong beliefs but respects those who believe differently.
- Rick Perry is a doer, not a talker.
Until he surges ahead, or Heaven forbid leaves the race, my choice for President is Rick Perry.
The media is now in full preoccupation mode when it comes to Iowa. You'd think that there weren't 49 other states to be won! I am hoping that these folks put politics aside for a few days and go back to their respective homes to celebrate Christmas with their families. In our estimation, not even politics should take the place of rejoicing in the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a time for Christians to celebrate the best gift ever given to us, and it came wrapped in God's love.
Go home everyone, and give politics a break for a few days.
On behalf of Two Sisters From The Right, these are our wishes for you.
Faith makes all things possible,
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.
Labels: Rick Perry Newt Mitt
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
A New York Conservative At Christmastime
2011 Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center, New York City, N.Y. |
New York lost its attraction long ago. About 3 years ago we went to NYC and took a very expensive five hour tour of the city and were reacquaitend with the sights and sounds of the city. It was a fun day, but we knew then we could never live there.
We're not trying to give NYC a bad rap. It is a great place for certain types to call home. It is filled with cultural sites, theaters, museums, all nice places to visit. But, as this article from the New York Post relates, it's not the best place to be Two Sisters From The Right.
Sister One
The New York holiday-party horror
by Karol Markowickz - The New York Post
The holiday season has stresses for everyone, but it’s probably the most difficult time of the year to be a conservative in New York City.
You get used to having your political beliefs met with surprise and curiosity at best — and, all too often, with hostility and anger. But it would be nice to avoid it when you’re just trying to share some cheer.
Sorry, there’s always that one person at every holiday party who can’t wait to pounce on his token righty acquaintance to discuss the politics of the day.
When they spot you walking in, their eyes light up, and they lunge across the room to begin what they imagine to be an original conversation.
“So, what do you think of Sarah Palin now?” is a common opener.
Palin, despite having no current prominent role in the Republican Party, remains a popular target for pent-up liberal animosity. The party-going pest often describes her as “scary,” and is perplexed when the conservative remains unafraid of her.
Then the follow-up: “What a terrible Republican field this time.”
It doesn’t matter the year, it’s always an awful Republican field, the worst in memory. The candidates are always stupid and crazy; sometimes stupid, crazy and racist — or obviously stupid, crazy, racist and scary.
“You don’t really want any of these people to win, do you?”
This is when the attempt at light political banter turns combative, as the liberal realizes the conservative, despite perhaps sharing mutual friends, similar taste in music or movies and occupying the same city, might have still somehow formulated truly differing opinions on politics.
It was understood, of course, that the conservative was different. After all, that’s why this conversation was taking place. But surely not so different as to not want to see Barack Obama re-elected.
“If any of these people win, I’m moving to Canada!” the liberal will say, exasperated that anyone could disagree with his premises. You scan the room, hoping to spot some escape from the conversation and finally reach the bar.
Eventually, you part — until next year, unless the liberal finally moves to Canada.
Karol Markowicz blogs at
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Importance of Iowa
Many have wondered why Iowa and New Hampshire are so important in the selection of presidential candidates. Two Sisters From The Right also wanted some explanations and found these detailed below.
The Iowa caucuses are the first step in the nominating processes of the Democratic and Republican parties. As a result, Iowa garners a vastly disproportionate number of candidate visits and amount of media attention. A better than expected showing on caucus night can boost a candidacy, while a poor performance can spell the end of a candidate's hopes. 1
It is actually written into the campaign rules of each major party that candidates are not permitted to campaign in other states until after the Iowa caucus and then the New Hampshire primary.
The idea is that, as lower-population states without a major metropolitan area, IA and NH somehow represent the median American opinion. Another part of the argument is that the candidates wouldn’t bother to campaign outside of California, Texas, New York, Florida, and a few other states with many electoral votes, unless they were forced by tradition to spend time in a smaller state, which would in turn fail to represent the opinions of non-urban Americans.
The Iowa caucuses were usually the first "events" in the presidential primaries, with New Hampshire close behind, so a win in these two states could always give a dark horse candidate sudden national visibility.
Mostly just because they come very early in the primaries and they are the first chance candidates get to show that they can actually get votes in a real election. A good showing can make a weak candidate look stronger and a poor showing can make a strong candidate look like a loser. In politics, results are everything.
We've collected several current articles on how Iowa and the possibility of the January results is affecting the candidates and their strategies. Many in the media as well as pollsters feel that they have the results figured out. Whether or not that is true remains to be seen. I the end the results will be the votes cast by the people of Iowa and they will depend on how well each candidate conveyed his message. We hope that Iowa voters will not be swayed by the media and the polls but rather by the candidates themselves.
Two Sisters
Iowa Poll: Indecision Is Still Factor In Race
by Jayson Clayworth - Des Moines Register
An ocean of fluidity floods the race for the GOP presidential nomination, which means Iowans should brace for the possibility of additional changing tides of voter support before the Jan. 3 caucuses, political insiders concurred Sunday after studying results of the latest Iowa Poll.
“I think now as they look at Speaker (Newt) Gingrich’s record, as they look at Ron Paul and Mitt Romney, I have no doubt that people will come back home on Jan. 3 and vote for me,” U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., confidently predicted in an interview Sunday with The Des Moines Register. Read More
It's On - Campaign Ad Wars Begin in Iowa
by Arlette Saenz - ABC News
With just under 30 days until the first nominating contest in the country, the ad war in Iowa is officially heating up this week as four campaigns are pouring in cash and air time to try to boost their standing through television spots airing across the state.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who leads the Republican pack in the Hawkeye State, will release his first television ad Monday. Titled “Is The America We Love A Thing Of the Past?
Newt Says No,” the minute-long ad will appear statewide on broadcast and cable with an ad buy of $250,000. It is unknown how long the TV spot will run. Gingrich currently sits atop the Republican field but has yet to promote himself via advertising this campaign cycle, relying instead on media coverage of his speeches and debates.
Read More
Donald Trump Debate in Iowa Draws Few Gop Candidates Thus Far
By Tracy Jan, Boston Globe
WASHINGTON -- The Republican field thus far is not jumping at the chance to spar with each other in a debate moderated by Donald Trump.
Of the seven viable candidates left in the GOP field, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was the first to confirm his appearnce at the Dec. 27 debate in Des Moines, saying over the weekend, “I would want to go just for the entertainment value.”
The brush-off – or lack of response -- by most of the others is surprising given that one by one, contenders for the GOP presidential nomination have courted the real estate mogul cum reality show star cum wannabe presidential candidate who’s somehow been anointed a kingmaker in Republican politics. Read More
Is Newt Gingrich The Gop Candidate Obama Prefers To Face
by Peter Grier - The Christian Science MonitorWASHINGTON -- The Republican field thus far is not jumping at the chance to spar with each other in a debate moderated by Donald Trump.
Of the seven viable candidates left in the GOP field, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was the first to confirm his appearnce at the Dec. 27 debate in Des Moines, saying over the weekend, “I would want to go just for the entertainment value.”
The brush-off – or lack of response -- by most of the others is surprising given that one by one, contenders for the GOP presidential nomination have courted the real estate mogul cum reality show star cum wannabe presidential candidate who’s somehow been anointed a kingmaker in Republican politics. Read More
Is Newt Gingrich The Gop Candidate Obama Prefers To Face
Newt Gingrich is rising like a rocket. He’s the new Republican presidential front-runner. He’s en fuego, if you know what we mean.
The latest evidence of this is a just-out Iowa Poll, which puts Mr. Gingrich in the lead in the Hawkeye State as the choice of 25 percent of likely caucusgoers. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas is second, with 18 percent, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is third, at 15 percent
If anything, Gingrich does even better in national surveys. Right now he’s getting about 27 percent of the GOP vote, according to RealClearPolitics rolling average. Mr. Romney is second, at 20 percent. Read more
GOP Field Begins To Narrow
by Hayley Peterson - The Washington Examiner
The Republican presidential race was scrambled over the weekend when businessman Herman Cain, a one-time front-runner, suspended his campaign, but the field is likely to remain set at seven until voting in the 2012 contest begins a month from now.
At least three candidates -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum -- are each counting on a miraculous surge of support in the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses to keep their campaigns alive. But the caucuses have ended more campaigns than they've launched.
"What the caucuses do is winnow the field, because Iowa is a relatively inexpensive state where candidates who are less well known can try out their message and try out their candidacy and see how they play," said Dennis J. Goldford, author of the book, "The Iowa Precinct Caucuses: The Making of a Media Event." Read More
Make Fun of Iowa All You Want, It's Still The Most Important State
by Ed Kilgore - The New Republic
In the lead up to voting in the presidential nominating contest, the only thing that reliably rivals the scrutiny received by Iowa is the disparagement expressed against the tyranny of the Great Corn Idol.
With its unrepresentative electorate, its peculiar demands on candidates, and its odd procedures for making its preferences manifest, the Iowa caucuses have been singled out by many as an ill-conceived ritual whose time is long past. Back in June, Daily Beast columnist Peter Beinart celebrated Mitt Romney’s apparent decision (apparently now reversed) to shirk the state, arguing “the Iowa caucuses bear only a faint resemblance to democracy.”
And beyond Romney’s initial strategy of making only minimal effort in the state, there have been other cheerful signs for Iowa-haters that the first-in-the-nation caucus was losing its storied influence. The candidates most married to a slavish Iowa-first approach—Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum—have not fared well, even in Iowa itself, with local polls instead closely mirroring the rapid attention swings in the national media. Read More
Labels: Iowa Caucuses GOP Candidates January 2012 First Caucus
Sunday, December 4, 2011
December 1941 vs. December 2011

Those of us who are "baby boomers" know the former generation well. They were indeed our parents and grandparents and they were wonderful role models to follow. As children and even as adults we've enjoyed hearing the stories of how they coped with a world at war, rationing at home, accepting the massive numbers of casualties who died fighting for our freedom.
When Tom Brokaw wrote the book, "The Greatest Generation" he was talking about those who lived during that December of 1941. He said, "I believe it is the greatest generation any society has ever produced." Brokaw's premise was "that these men and women fought not for fame and recognition, but because it was the right thing to do. When they came back they rebuilt America into a superpower."
That generation brought the country out of the Great Depression, and their work ethic, their patriotism and their drive to rebuild America is a far cry from 2011. This December we find ourselves a weakened country, facing a weak economy, a reduction of our military prowess. We have to read and hear about the "OWS Movement"- Socialists and anarchists who want to tear down America. We have the "give me generation" relying on government money and feeling that they are entitled to the use of taxpayers money.
Although we are not really fans of FDR, we must observe that in December of 1941 we had an old Democrat president in the White House, who was in a wheelchair, and infirm, yet he possessed an optimistic spirit. His "Happy Days Are Here Again" campaign theme, renewed the national spirit. In contrast, in 2011 we have young, healthy American president who has apologized for the actions of the greatest generation, and has deflated our nation's spirit to unimaginable depths.
As we face a threat never before known to Americans - the threat of Islamists who seek our destruction on our own soil, and the threat of Sharia law which would ignore and obliterate our Constitutional law, not all Americans have the same spirit as those who answered their country's call at a time of greatest need.
Cal Thomas has written a beautiful piece for this particular time of the year. It is a thought provoking piece and it should spark the emotions of those who read it. Rather than to cause us to regret the loss of that American spirit which we once had, it should inspire us to strive to regain what with the right leadership we can once again become.
Sister One
for Two Sisters From The Right
A December to Remember
by Cal Thomas
Seventy years ago this month, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and brought America into a war that had begun in Europe in 1939.
In his masterful new book "December 1941: 31 Days That Changed America and Saved the World," Craig Shirley takes readers back to a very different America. Through hundreds of stories and advertisements culled from newspapers, Shirley not only transports us back to that tumultuous time, but reminds this generation that denial about an enemy's intentions can have grave consequences.
Each chapter in the book deals with a single day of December 1941. We go to the movies with Clark Gable and Betty Grable, view the "cafe society" of New York, and listen to radio stars like Jack Benny and Walter Winchell, the acerbic columnist and powerful radio gossip.
The major players are all here: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Winston Churchill and countless generals and admirals, as well as other military and political figures familiar to any student of history. But, depending on your age, the real stars were our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
After the Dec. 7 attack, Americans rallied around a single patriotic cause -- the defeat of fascism and the salvation of Western democracy, an effort similar to the national unity displayed following the terrorists attacks of Sept. 11. The unity of 70 years ago, however, lasted a lot longer. Record numbers enlisted in the military. Many isolationists became interventionists. Even some conscientious objectors announced, in light of the Japanese sneak attack, that they could no longer remain apart from what was rightly cast as a fight for America's very survival. Though they refused to kill, many served vital roles in the war effort as noncombatants.
Amid the deeply human and moving stories of family loss are some funny accounts of government stupidity. Shirley writes that government polltakers in the 1940 census asked American men and women how many individual articles of clothing they owned and how many they purchased each year. The Los Angeles Times reported, "Census Bureau officials declare they have found the explanation for cluttered clothing closets in the American home; people just buy more than they need."
Intrusive government is not a modern phenomenon.
Concerning Russia, the American left in 1941 was oblivious to the intentions of our supposed "ally." Shirley writes, "...many on the American left were quite naive about the real nature of the Soviet state. Many liberals and intellectuals, who should have known better, perceived it as a worker's paradise; it was only after the war that the true horrors of Stalin's repressive regime truly came to light. The muck-raking journalist, Lincoln Steffens, famously asserted, after visiting communist Russia: 'I have seen the future, and it works' ..
To those for whom this is familiar territory, it is worth revisiting. For people younger than 70, it is worth discovering. This "greatest generation" was not necessarily braver than other generations; its men and women were simply imbued with a profound sense of duty.
That call to duty is evident in a letter from a young man to his father, which was typical, says Shirley, of the sentiment in December 1941:
"Dear Dad, There is a war on and I am now in it, but that must not be a cause for you to worry. Of course there is danger and there will be more danger to come but if I am to die a soldier's death, so be it. ... You must think of me as doing my duty to God and country. Be brave and show outward pride, that the mite of humanity you helped bring into the world is now a soldier doing his part of defending our great and wonderful country. ... You must pray, not only for me and others in the Army, but for the innocent women and children who will have to endure untold suffering from this fight for freedom of religion, speech and democracy. I am not afraid to die for this. ... Until then I remain and always, Your Loving Son."
December 7, 1941 may be a day that "will live in infamy," but that month, those years, that war revealed an American character still on display in our military today, though it's somewhat lacking in our civilian population.
The major players are all here: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Winston Churchill and countless generals and admirals, as well as other military and political figures familiar to any student of history. But, depending on your age, the real stars were our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
After the Dec. 7 attack, Americans rallied around a single patriotic cause -- the defeat of fascism and the salvation of Western democracy, an effort similar to the national unity displayed following the terrorists attacks of Sept. 11. The unity of 70 years ago, however, lasted a lot longer. Record numbers enlisted in the military. Many isolationists became interventionists. Even some conscientious objectors announced, in light of the Japanese sneak attack, that they could no longer remain apart from what was rightly cast as a fight for America's very survival. Though they refused to kill, many served vital roles in the war effort as noncombatants.
Amid the deeply human and moving stories of family loss are some funny accounts of government stupidity. Shirley writes that government polltakers in the 1940 census asked American men and women how many individual articles of clothing they owned and how many they purchased each year. The Los Angeles Times reported, "Census Bureau officials declare they have found the explanation for cluttered clothing closets in the American home; people just buy more than they need."
Intrusive government is not a modern phenomenon.
Concerning Russia, the American left in 1941 was oblivious to the intentions of our supposed "ally." Shirley writes, "...many on the American left were quite naive about the real nature of the Soviet state. Many liberals and intellectuals, who should have known better, perceived it as a worker's paradise; it was only after the war that the true horrors of Stalin's repressive regime truly came to light. The muck-raking journalist, Lincoln Steffens, famously asserted, after visiting communist Russia: 'I have seen the future, and it works' ..
To those for whom this is familiar territory, it is worth revisiting. For people younger than 70, it is worth discovering. This "greatest generation" was not necessarily braver than other generations; its men and women were simply imbued with a profound sense of duty.
That call to duty is evident in a letter from a young man to his father, which was typical, says Shirley, of the sentiment in December 1941:
"Dear Dad, There is a war on and I am now in it, but that must not be a cause for you to worry. Of course there is danger and there will be more danger to come but if I am to die a soldier's death, so be it. ... You must think of me as doing my duty to God and country. Be brave and show outward pride, that the mite of humanity you helped bring into the world is now a soldier doing his part of defending our great and wonderful country. ... You must pray, not only for me and others in the Army, but for the innocent women and children who will have to endure untold suffering from this fight for freedom of religion, speech and democracy. I am not afraid to die for this. ... Until then I remain and always, Your Loving Son."
December 7, 1941 may be a day that "will live in infamy," but that month, those years, that war revealed an American character still on display in our military today, though it's somewhat lacking in our civilian population.
Labels: 1941 December 2011 FDR Obama leadership American Spirit Greatest Generation World War II, Cal Thomas Craig Shirley December 7
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Convenient Villains by Richard Carroll
Two Sisters From The Right once again proudly welcome author Rich Carroll to our website. Mr. Carroll is a keen observer of people, life, political and social situations. In this essay he has truly captured the essence of the OWS movement. We are in complete agreement with his assessment.
Two Sisters

Convenient Villains
by Rich Carroll
Once upon a time in America young people were raised to believe if they worked hard, studied hard and applied themselves they would become successful in all ways. According to OWS (Occupy Wall Street) bums, those who work hard and achieve are now “America's villains.” How convenient for the lazy slobs to hang that handle on the go-getters!
Our nations great entrepreneurs who created jobs and wealth are now “villains.” One cannot help but wonder if these “OWS” people broadcast their hatred for success via their ipods and computers (both inventions of the villainous successful Steve Jobs and Bill Gates). What about the thousands of other people responsible for Apple's success, including vast numbers of investors? Can we be certain that their willingness to risk so much on a hazardous new venture would have been unaffected by the higher marginal tax rate the “Occupiers” seem to be demanding? A radically more redistributive state, resembling the one championed by the Occupy Wall Street movement would damage the entrepreneurial spirit that has, for so long, been such an exceptional American strength.
Are we becoming Europe? Recent polls show 60 per cent of Americans believe that the poor are lazy, a view shared by only 26 per cent of Europeans. In this same poll (Pew Research) 36 per cent of Americans believe that success in life is determined by forces outside our control, but a whopping 72 per cent of Germans and 57 per cent of the French take the view that outside forces determine their individual success. How sad. These polls help explain why 58 per cent of Americans but only 36 per cent of Europeans believe that freedom to pursue life's goals without state interference is more important than that the state guarantees nobody is in need.
When did we give up and want to be taken-care of instead of pursuing success via our own self motivation and drive? When did we become lazy and shiftless and envious of those who were not? All those people sitting in parks and streets holding picket-signs are our first wave of the really weak: We give up. We are too lazy to tend for ourselves. We don't really want to work if we have a government to take care of us! Socialism is good!
What message does this deliver to younger Americans with a full life ahead of them? Gripe and complain and the government will take care of you? What isolates the OWS demonstrators against the welter of modern life working Americans? Are these OWS people in a condition of psychological stand-by,? A dreaming space of oddly spiritual origin that big brother will swoop-in and take care of all their needs? Oh what horror to have their self-conscious dreaming spaces violated by some external force – LIKE WORK! Human beings pooping on police cars carries a tincture of comic absurdity. The only message they managed to deliver after all this time is: “We are too lazy to find a job and take care of ourselves.”
In a world of “survival of the fittest” the OWS people are the losers. The dropouts; the unfit, the infirm and lame through no one's fault but their own. They no longer wish to compete and have thrown themselves in front of the court of mercy, or the wolves. Let's not let these losers set a precedent. As long as the television camera desires to put these people on some kind of pedestal, point and say “this is what happens to people who don't study, do their homework, and apply themselves. If there is any good to come of this, point to OWS and remind our young “you don't want to sit-around, smoke dope and become a loser like this.”
Friday, December 2, 2011
The Road to 2012 - Best Reads
Romney and Gingrich, from bad to worse
by George Will-Opinion Writer- Washington Post
Republicans are more conservative than at any time since their 1980 dismay about another floundering president. They are more ideologically homogenous than ever in 156 years of competing for the presidency. They anticipated choosing between Mitt Romney, a conservative of convenience, and a conviction politician to his right. The choice, however, could be between Romney and the least conservative candidate, Newt Gingrich.
You Will be Called a Racist if You Oppose Barack Obama
by Neil Snyder - American Thinker
Opinion polls can be very misleading because they tell us how people feel at any given moment. Today, people may believe that President Obama is doing a terrible job and that he shouldn't be re-elected because the European debt crisis is on the front burner, and he's viewed as ineffectual. Tomorrow, we may have a major national security event, either real or manufactured, and he could be seen as a great leader who deserves four more years.
It pays to take polling data with a grain of salt.
Cain Stalls in Iowa
by Katrina Trinko -National Review Online
For Charlie Gruschow, chairman of Tea Party of America and a longtime Herman Cain supporter in Iowa, the latest allegation may be the last straw.
“I’m not sure,” he said earlier this week when asked if he remains a Cain backer. “I don’t know. I’ve had three or four days to process some of this information, and . . . I’ve been a Herman supporter for well over a year now, so I’m hoping that — I just don’t know what to make of these most recent allegations.”
Romney Declines Lincoln-Douglas Debate Against Gingrich
By Erin McPike - Real Clear Politics
With the Republican presidential primary appearing to have narrowed into a two-man contest, Human Events and Red State moved quickly to lock down a date for a Lincoln-Douglas-style debate between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.
The two organizations went so far this past Monday as to firm up the Annenberg Theater at the Newseum in Washington as the venue on Dec. 19 after another debate originally scheduled that day was canceled. For its part, the Newseum was excited to host the pre-primary forum.
There was just one problem. While Gingrich was ready to take his place on the stage, the Romney campaign politely declined in a series of mostly e-mail exchanges.
Is it game over for Obama?
by Nicole Stockdale/ Editor - Dallas New
Everybody seems to be talking about demographics these days, after the progressive Center for American Progress' Ruy Teixeira and John Halpin published their 68-page study, "The Path to 270: Demographics versus Economics in the 2012 Presidential Election." (pdf)
Cain Stalls in Iowa
by Katrina Trinko -National Review Online
For Charlie Gruschow, chairman of Tea Party of America and a longtime Herman Cain supporter in Iowa, the latest allegation may be the last straw.
“I’m not sure,” he said earlier this week when asked if he remains a Cain backer. “I don’t know. I’ve had three or four days to process some of this information, and . . . I’ve been a Herman supporter for well over a year now, so I’m hoping that — I just don’t know what to make of these most recent allegations.”
Romney Declines Lincoln-Douglas Debate Against Gingrich
By Erin McPike - Real Clear Politics
With the Republican presidential primary appearing to have narrowed into a two-man contest, Human Events and Red State moved quickly to lock down a date for a Lincoln-Douglas-style debate between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.
The two organizations went so far this past Monday as to firm up the Annenberg Theater at the Newseum in Washington as the venue on Dec. 19 after another debate originally scheduled that day was canceled. For its part, the Newseum was excited to host the pre-primary forum.
There was just one problem. While Gingrich was ready to take his place on the stage, the Romney campaign politely declined in a series of mostly e-mail exchanges.
Is it game over for Obama?
by Nicole Stockdale/ Editor - Dallas New
Everybody seems to be talking about demographics these days, after the progressive Center for American Progress' Ruy Teixeira and John Halpin published their 68-page study, "The Path to 270: Demographics versus Economics in the 2012 Presidential Election." (pdf)
The report lays out the following central questions of the 2012 presidential election:
We've not been online since Thanksgiving due to pre-scheduled travels and lack of time. We did keep up with the news and developing events, and above all, learned a great deal from those with whom we visited and conversed. Our usual readers know that Two Sisters From The Right have declared our support for Texas Governor Rick Perry. We did not do so when he entered the race and was posting high numbers in the polls. We decided to endorse the Governor once his ratings had fallen drastically. The reason for this was clear. Unlike many of those who are apparently polled, (We've not been polled, have you?) we know Governor's Perry's abilities, and we know that he is the man best qualified to lead this country during troubled times.
While in the Chicago area, an obnoxious Democrat referred to us as Texas Republicans. That, we truly are, and being Texas Republicans gives us first hand experience to know the Governor much better than others in the country, some of whom had never heard his name before he entered the race. Sadly, name recognition in this particular field of candidates does not guarantee that the best qualified person will be the nominee.
In 2008 Barack Hussein Obama promised "change." It was change he never delivered. Rick Perry will deliver change. He is a man of his word, he has the leadership experience, the honesty, and the determination to make America great once again. Rick Perry is a patriot, and a man of faith who is fair and humble. After Obama's arrogant approach to the presidency, a little humility will go a long way!
It is our opinion that the Republican Establishment, as well as the Television media has treated Governor Perry very unfairly. The deliberate media blackout of positive news about the Governor has hurt, of that there is no doubt. Instead the media has delighted in a continuous airing of a memory lapse or what has become known as an "oops" moment. Thankfully, Rick Perry is man enough to own up to his mistakes and is not fearful of self deprecating humor. Key figures in the Republican party who know the Governor well have also withheld their support and have not helped him become better known. Even his former mentor, Karl Rove, has held on to an old grudge and not used his considerable clout to help Mr. Perry become better known to the national audience.
During our travels through the Midwest, we were truly amazed at how little some of the folks with whom we spoke knew about Rick Perry. Hopefully there is enough time for voters to begin to realize who the best man for the job of president during these critical times will be. Unlike Barack Hussein Obama who once told an audience that his campaign had visited all 57 states, Rick Perry knows that we're only 50, and there are more states to win than Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida and South Carolina.
We encourage voters to keep reading, and becoming better informed. We do caution you however that when you read, even though we'd love to convince you to think as we do, to be a DISCERNING reader, and to make up your own mind, always putting the future of our country first.
Two Sisters
Two Sisters From The Right
Will the rising electorate of communities of color, the Millennial generation, professionals, single women, and seculars that pushed Obama to victory in 2008 be sufficient and mobilized enough to ensure his re-election in 2012? Or will the Republican Party and its presidential nominee capitalize on a struggling economy and greater mobilization from a conservative base that holds the president in deep disdain?We've compiled a set of interesting reads to keep us all better informed about what is happening in the race for 2012. It feels as though we've been covering these events for a long period of time and we still have until November of 2012.
We've not been online since Thanksgiving due to pre-scheduled travels and lack of time. We did keep up with the news and developing events, and above all, learned a great deal from those with whom we visited and conversed. Our usual readers know that Two Sisters From The Right have declared our support for Texas Governor Rick Perry. We did not do so when he entered the race and was posting high numbers in the polls. We decided to endorse the Governor once his ratings had fallen drastically. The reason for this was clear. Unlike many of those who are apparently polled, (We've not been polled, have you?) we know Governor's Perry's abilities, and we know that he is the man best qualified to lead this country during troubled times.
While in the Chicago area, an obnoxious Democrat referred to us as Texas Republicans. That, we truly are, and being Texas Republicans gives us first hand experience to know the Governor much better than others in the country, some of whom had never heard his name before he entered the race. Sadly, name recognition in this particular field of candidates does not guarantee that the best qualified person will be the nominee.
In 2008 Barack Hussein Obama promised "change." It was change he never delivered. Rick Perry will deliver change. He is a man of his word, he has the leadership experience, the honesty, and the determination to make America great once again. Rick Perry is a patriot, and a man of faith who is fair and humble. After Obama's arrogant approach to the presidency, a little humility will go a long way!
It is our opinion that the Republican Establishment, as well as the Television media has treated Governor Perry very unfairly. The deliberate media blackout of positive news about the Governor has hurt, of that there is no doubt. Instead the media has delighted in a continuous airing of a memory lapse or what has become known as an "oops" moment. Thankfully, Rick Perry is man enough to own up to his mistakes and is not fearful of self deprecating humor. Key figures in the Republican party who know the Governor well have also withheld their support and have not helped him become better known. Even his former mentor, Karl Rove, has held on to an old grudge and not used his considerable clout to help Mr. Perry become better known to the national audience.
During our travels through the Midwest, we were truly amazed at how little some of the folks with whom we spoke knew about Rick Perry. Hopefully there is enough time for voters to begin to realize who the best man for the job of president during these critical times will be. Unlike Barack Hussein Obama who once told an audience that his campaign had visited all 57 states, Rick Perry knows that we're only 50, and there are more states to win than Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida and South Carolina.
We encourage voters to keep reading, and becoming better informed. We do caution you however that when you read, even though we'd love to convince you to think as we do, to be a DISCERNING reader, and to make up your own mind, always putting the future of our country first.
Two Sisters
Two Sisters From The Right
The GOP Race