Happy New Year 2011
Labels: News blogs, online reading
We had a blog prepared for today which followed our theme of recognizing the other blogs we like to read. However, this article came our way today and we felt that we must publish it "tout de suite."
In our continued effort to feature our favorite bloggers and news sites until the new year, we've chosen two today that we feel are of particular importance. After the surprise attack by Muslims, carried out in the name of Allah and Islam, we would never have thought that recent developments would bring us to a point where we elect a president of questionable background and ties to Islam. It never crossed our minds that we would be engaged in a battle to stop the construction of a Muslim Mosque in the shadow of where the World Trade Center's Twin Towers once stood.
Some left leaning, liberal journalists are in dire need of a reality check. They brazenly and shamelessly spin the news to serve their liberal agenda. Once upon a time journalists and authors were respected for their ability to objectively report the news. Today they are better known for their ability to distort them. We suppose that is what annoys us most about today's journalists; their conceit to believe that they are more intelligent than the public they serve, and that they have the ability to persuade readers and listeners to change their mind. One prime example of that destructive metamorphosis is the New York Times newspaper. For reference on the fall of the NYT read Steve Bussey's account at SteveBussey.com .
As 2010 comes to a close, we give thanks for the American spirit that still dwells in many of us. That pioneer spirit that fought all obstacles and made America great, from sea to shining sea, can never die. It is that spirit that gave birth to the Tea Party Movement and allowed the once silent Americans to find their voice, and make themselves heard. It is that spirit of sovereignty and love for liberty that drives common citizens to blog and express themselves in a very public forum.
I can still remember the day I heard Barack Obama say: "one of the great strengths of the United States” is that it does not consider itself “a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values." I was walking through my den and stopped dead in my tracks, thinking "surely, he didn't just say what I thought he said." But he did say it. He said it in Turkey, a Muslim country, and by doing so, he has given validity and acceptance to that concept among non-Christians in the United States. With the advent of political correctness, suddenly everyone is "sensitive," offended, demanding, and they all have a lawyer at their side. What gives?