Our guest writer is today is Richard Carroll. Rich has studied Islam and the Islamic growth in the United States for several years. Two Sisters From The Right are quite concerned about the topics discussed in this article. We are presently researching "honor killings" which are occurring more and more frequently in the United States.
With the threat of home grown Radical Islamic terrorists becoming even more alarming daily, we suggest that many of our fellow citizens who refuse to admit, even to themselves, that we are in danger of losing our traditional way of life, not only read this carefully, but begin to research on your own.
Two Sisters.
When Summer's Over and Dark Clouds Hide the Sun
By Rich Carroll
How old will your children and grand children be in the year 2020? Let’s take a peak at their future:
At our current rate of allowing illegal immigrants to pour into the U.S., in the year 2020 America will have 20 million Muslims, and another 20 million Mexicans, both imported by a political administration that wants “global open borders.” This figure is greater than the populations of Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Florida, Idaho and Kentucky combined. Food stamps will cost Americans $130 billion per year, jobless benefits $286 billion, welfare $48 billion, Medicaid for 23 million people will cost $716 billion per year. To pay this yearly “bill,” YOUR LIFE, and the lives of your children, will need to change drastically. You wanted “change,” well, here goes:
The total of these services is 3.4 times the amount required for the year 2010. The price of “cultural diversity” will require police and fire departments to be cut significantly. Parks and recreation, libraries, public transportation and many school programs will be cut. These large foreign families will need your money! Of course with police services cut, anticipate an increase in crime. Expect wide-spread looting and anarchy in some cities.
Do you remember the fun of making Christmas and Halloween decorations in elementary school? Your children and grand children won’t be able to experience that excitement and joy because Muslim students would be “offended.” So far, every lawsuit filed against a school for honoring our customs and traditions has been won by the Islamists. The Pledge of Allegiance will be gone, and the flag that hung from your classroom because both might “offend” someone who has no desire to blend in with this country we call “The United States.” Your children have been forced by a liberal pointy-headed judge to eat “Halal” meals at school; the traditional Islamic food (similar to the Jewish Kosher meal.) Yes the 20 million Muslims living in America have demanded and won every court case.

They represent the antithesis of American history and tradition. In the year 2020 we will practice Sharia law and Sharia finance (in addition to our traditional Constitutional law) but Muslims feel they are entitled to their “own” laws and financial systems since they had no intention of “blending in” with our way of life when they immigrated here, and this began when Barack Hussein Obama loaded Insurance giant AIG $45.7 billion tax dollars to explicitly promote Sharia law - the 1200 year old body of Islamic canon law based on the Quran, which demands the destruction of Western Civilization and the United States. This is the same law that prompted the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and it’s the same law responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Christians throughout the world. AIG, which is now a government owned company (and controls Senate and Congress pensions) engages in Sharia finance which subjects certain financial activities, including investments, to the dictates of Islamic law and religion. This specifically includes any profits or interest obtained through such financial activities. AIG itself publicly describes Sharia as “Islamic law based on the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet.“ Your tax dollars are being used to seal your children’s fate thanks to a Muslim administration.
Your children will read textbooks written by Islamic publishers with no mention of God or Christianity but will include an ample brainwashing of the Islamic culture. These books began entering our public schools in 2008. YouTube - US Textbooks: Muslims Discovered America By 2020 these books will dominate the classroom.
The liberal Supreme court has ruled that it is perfectly fine for that Muslim Mosque to blare-out their 5 daily calls of prayer down your neighborhood streets, but the sound of Christian church bells are too “offensive” for Muslims to withstand. In 2008, Judge Joseph Charles, a non-Muslim Superior Court Judge, heard a case involving a 17 year old Muslim girl in an arranged marriage who had been repeatedly beaten and raped by her husband. An Imam was called to the stand who testified that a wife must comply with her husband’s sexual demands. Judge Charles decided the husband was acting within the norms of Muslim practice, and could not be held accountable for it.
Synagogues are being bombed in 2020 in your town. Of course these are only “isolated incidents” and in no way should reflect upon the growing Muslim community.
Your doctor, and your children’s doctor is a Muslim from Pakistan now and you must wait for long periods to see him because he is too busy. You see thousands of doctors have left the medical field; the patient loads are too much, and the care you can expect has been reduced by 50 per cent. If you are Jewish this Muslim doctor may even refuse to see you as a patient (See England).
Your children will suffer from the “fatal deception” of the 2008 Presidential election. Stopping the inevitable will only happen with you reconnecting your inner strength and heart. Only your determination can stop what is being orchestrated for your children’s future.
© Rich Carroll 2011
Mr. Carroll may be reached at