Saturday, March 26, 2011

Are You A Victim of PTSD?

By Rich Carroll

Do you wake-up each morning wondering what the repellent hoax in our Oval Office has done overnight to destroy the United States? Your symptoms might include:

  • The gnawing feeling that another lesbian or communist has been appointed to our Supreme Court.
  • An anxiousness about our next 5 star general being an Islamic Imam or transvestite or, that our armed forces have been placed under the command of the United Nations.
  • You have figured-out that Obama is using our manpower, military and money to advance the cause of a 1 nation of Islam by deposing small kingdoms for the Muslim Brotherhood right under our noses and you don't know what to do.

Other symptoms may include:

  • A gut feeling that today this foreign anti-white, anti-American President will find another way to degrade our country financially by giving more U.S. Tax dollars to Muslim terrorist groups or his homeland of Kenya.
  • You nervously anticipate this President delivering another speech to yet another country describing America as a hateful, racist, colonist nation that is responsible for global poverty.
  • Concern that Barack Hussein Obama will appoint additional anti-Christian Muslims or radical communists to high government positions.
  • You are anticipating the announcement that radical anti-American terrorist bomber Bill Ayers has been made Director of the U.S. Department of Education.
  • .Learn that our Department of Justice is spending more hard-earned tax dollars to defend Muslims, Black Panther thugs and terrorists, or those same tax dollars to prosecute military heroes.
  • .You are anxiously writing the main stream media sources in your town asking why they won't discuss Obama spending $770 million dollars to refurbish mosques around the world.
  • .How much money will this White House usurper spend today on lavish parties or vacations?
  • What are Obama's friends, Van Jones, Louis Farrakhan, George Soros, Jeremiah Wright, Hugo Chavez (to name but a few) doing today to prosecute the demise of the United States?
  • How much more can Obama decrease the effectiveness of our “war against terror” today?
  • If 623 Muslims with ties to terrorist groups were caught on our southern border last year, how many actually found their way into the United States?
  • Why will Obama defend the borders of Korea and Afghanistan against illegal invasion, but sue the state of Arizona for defending it's borders?
  • You were struck while you tried to sleep with the clear epiphany that the mosque at ground zero WILL be built (when the small amount of outcry dies-down) and that Sharia Law WILL be allowed in your country within five years thanks to Obama and his Muslim Department of Justice.
  • You are angry that Homeland Security is guided by two radical Muslims and angrier that you are called a “racist” for even being concerned.
  • You fully anticipate a radical Muslim Imam will be appointed as the official “chaplain” of the Senate and Congress.
  • You are bitter and distrustful and angry that this President spends billions of dollars importing Muslims into the United States at a time when our unemployment is already nearing 20 per cent and the liberal media outlets will not mention this item.

These are only a few of the President Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms but the number grows by each day. Unfortunately no drug will help because when you awaken from your drugged or drunken stupor, you still face the fact this American hating Kenyan occupies our White House. The best medicine is your vote. To not vote is to surrender to people like this.

Become PTSD free. Do all you can to insure this hoax is a one-termer; and remind your friends, daily. Your health and the health of your country depend on you. Great nations fail because they turn their backs on what made them great. This current administration is trying to erase our greatness. Stop them!

© Rich Carroll - 2011


At March 27, 2011 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have suffered from PTSD for 2 years now and Obamacare will not consider it as a pre-existing condition!!! HELP!!!

At March 27, 2011 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Steve Bussey said...

Oh this just has to be one of Rich's best editorials! I love it!


At March 27, 2011 at 11:27 AM , Blogger Lynn said...

Right on Rich, Right on!!

At March 29, 2011 at 12:50 PM , Anonymous Born said...

Take Vitamin B 2012

At March 29, 2011 at 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article from Rich! Thanks for posting.


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