Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dangling Strings - A Political Fable

Two Sisters From The Right are once again privileged to bring to our readers an article written by Barnard Sackett.  Written as a political fable, Barney brings us an astonishing description of  Barack Obama's assent to power.  The though of Barack Husseing Obama being re elected is disconcerting and we hope that those who recognize that his election was a huge error will remember the old adage. "Once bitten, Twice shy!" 
Two Sisters



Once upon a time in a place known as America, there was a man in his forties, an attorney, who did questionable work as an city organizer in a metropolis of curious political ties and personal agendas.

Innocently he flashed upon the scene as one of the speakers in an earlier convention. Surprisingly, he enthralled his audience with his trim physique, his sartorial elegance, and his cultured oratory which sounded as if delivered by someone from the white race. Through fourth estate manipulation, he suddenly became a face and name that people were to remember without question. Thanks also to the tenacious drive of shadowy power brokers who realized they were onto the tail of a winner for satisfying their own selfish ideas, personal power and bottom line.
Buoyed by his own arrogance and ego, this stranger truly believed he was the anointed Godsend who had the drive, the tenacity, the daring, the chutzpah and the proper though questionable financial backing to become head of state. Even though he knew he could never convince the people if he was truly born in America, he harnessed the wind beneath his self-serving adventurous spirit and he would fly as high as his insincere and meaningless words could take him.

He campaigned like a champion thoroughbred. He said all the calculated things he knew that the public would like to hear. He was mesmerizing. But then subtle mind-control is an innocent interloper along with calculated subliminal columns by the fawning press. It was a given. He was destined to become the chosen winner. No, not by the people at the poles. But by the obsessive media coverage: talking heads and journalists who would make voters feel they were destined to accept the challenge of their written words.

And the fooling of the gullible masses began..

When the press spoke of the hundreds of thousands who came to hear him speak in Germany, there was no mention that the crowds actually came to cheer. applaud and express their emotions and boisterous vocal expressions for the free rock concert. First of many red flags to eventually wave.

While the media mind-controlled the masses, people never realized his background was carefully guarded. Through devilishly crafted mental processes fostered by unending approval of the overall press, a run for the spoils was made.

Eventually, believers began to question their approval. A few brave journalists freed themselves from their shackles of blind devotion and began looking deeper. His pernicious programs were not of the citizens liking. Who was this interloper who seemed not for the public good?. From where did he come originally? This person known for friendships with miscreants. Why has he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep his educational records and original birth certificate from the public’s scrutiny. And when he eventually and reluctantly presented one to the press, it was universally accepted as a fraud. And he gloated with his Cheshire cat smile.

Through continued and controlled hysterical mob inducements, along with the press to cloud the minds of its public, our modern day Shadow was born. The White House had become The Dark House. Not because a man of colour was now the current resident but the possible explosiveness of “under the rose” planning, permitting this one man to believe he had a calling for the betterment of the select.

Eventually, uncluttered congressional minds challenged the bunker mentalities of other members to reconsider what they had wrought upon themselves and the public. How could all this have happened. Rhetoric. That’s precisely what it was.. Pure, simple, well founded words and catch phrases meant to cleverly designed to calculate and confuse the innocent heart and mind.

Indeed there was a solution within the law, although fraught with serious thought-provoking implications and unnecessary danger.

When earlier Congressional folks called for the impeachment of Bill Clinton, there were no threats of street violence, destruction of homes, or the killing of those who disagreed. It may have been a raucous moment in history, but there were no rowdy parades, no destruction or stealing of property, no vicious signs carried by demonstrators or the blocking of traffic with the cacophony of automobile horns. It was a constitutional procedure.

Sadly, there is the inherent normal reaction of the radical few throughout the milieu who will shout a shrill clarion call of racism to help fuel violence and carnage with total disrespect for the rule of law or for the safety of others. The sound of impeachment will especially stick in each violently active Afro-American’s craw. It is also instinctive in nature to be defensive and protective of your own.

The eventual call for impeachment is not inevitable. Should this questionable consideration occur, we should give serious pause and deep contemplation to the possibilities of another chilling civil war. Then indeed this Muslim/Christian’s moment in history would have arrived. He will certainly be anointed the second Lincoln.

However, if he had any character or real passion for this non-Muslim country, he would show that he has inherent honor and integrity to realize he did not have the intellectual gravitas to end the danger and drama that he had personally brought to fruition. He should at this point, with his usual enigmatic smile, gallantly offer his resignation for the good of this great and wonderful land.

And his wife could step forward at the podium and for the second time in her life, announce to the world she would be proud to call herself an American in having her beloved husband take the most righteous action and return to home grounds with her and the children.

Then everyone would live happily ever after. Until we are once again blinded by flashing lights for another promised El Dorado.

@COPYRIGHT 2011 - Barnard L. Sackett



At February 19, 2012 at 1:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Sackett writes what he thinks, what he has researched and what he deeply believes in.


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