Monday, January 23, 2012



After Governor Rick Perry dropped out of the race for the presidency, Two Sisters From The Right cannot endorse any of the remaining candidates.  We are still a conservative blog, but have decided that until the November election we will be members of the growing ABO Party, (Anyone But Obama). It is baffling that there are still Americans who would reelect this America hating president.   Our mission is to bring to the attention of our readers, and hopefully those with whom our links are shared, the dangers to our nation and to us as Americans that another four years of Barack Hussein Obama presents.  As we find groups of stories that don't get much coverage in the MSM, we will bring you the headlines, and the links.  Please join us in this effort to Save OUR Country.  God Bless The USA.

Two Sisters From The Right


Obama’s Government vs. Your Family

by John Hinderaker  - POWERLINE

Today Barack Obama released a proclamation commemorating the 39th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the low water mark of American constitutional jurisprudence since the Dred Scott case. Obama’s proclamation was not widely noted, except in circles that take (as Scott put it long ago) the sacramental view of abortion. But I happened to read it, and was struck by this brazen bit of Obama BS.  Read More...

The truly dismal state of the union
By Joseph Curl  - The Washington Times

There is one person — one American among the 300 million of us — who is not to blame for the state of the union. Everyone else, each of you, in some small or large way, bears some share of the blame, but not this guy. Not one little bit.

This guy is
Barack Obama. He is not the least bit to blame for the dismal state of the U.S. economy. George W. Bush is, for sure, and that evil Dick Cheney, oh, no doubt. House Speaker John A. Boehner — evil, too — is, of course, to blame. But guess what? So is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and every Democrat in the House and Senate. Read more...
Why are Barack Obama’s critics so smart? 


In response to Sullivan’s provocative article, which has stirred up a good deal of debate in America, here are five reasons why President Obama’s conservative critics are significantly smarter in their approach and thinking than his failing Left-wing administration in Washington:  Read more...