Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Soon To Come?

It's already here.  The Con Artist in Chief is campaigning for student votes by promising free education and other promises that he can't possibly deliver because our country, ladies and gentlemen IS BROKE!  Oh there are the millionaires and billionaires in each state, and some of the foreigners with money who have become American citizens so they can do their part in controling OUR business.  The problem is that rather than to give the money they can spare to needy causes like children who are hungry, or ill, they spend millions and millions of dollars on campaign contributions.  Why?  It doens't take a rocket scientist to recognize an influence peddler when one sees one.

Our objective in the November election is clear:


Everywhere in America cities and towns are missing
their  useful idiots.  They are ony useful to Socialist causes.
If you're missing your local idiot, most can be found in
some infested park in some city in America with the OWS
Movement.  If not there, college campuses are filled with
Obama worshippers.
