Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Soon To Come?

It's already here.  The Con Artist in Chief is campaigning for student votes by promising free education and other promises that he can't possibly deliver because our country, ladies and gentlemen IS BROKE!  Oh there are the millionaires and billionaires in each state, and some of the foreigners with money who have become American citizens so they can do their part in controling OUR business.  The problem is that rather than to give the money they can spare to needy causes like children who are hungry, or ill, they spend millions and millions of dollars on campaign contributions.  Why?  It doens't take a rocket scientist to recognize an influence peddler when one sees one.

Our objective in the November election is clear:


Everywhere in America cities and towns are missing
their  useful idiots.  They are ony useful to Socialist causes.
If you're missing your local idiot, most can be found in
some infested park in some city in America with the OWS
Movement.  If not there, college campuses are filled with
Obama worshippers.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Michael Ramirez Political Cartoon of the Day


Friday, January 27, 2012

We're Toast!

SOTU 2012

Mindless repetition is boring, mindless repetition is boring, mindless repetition is boring!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jobs Blockage


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Governor Mitch Daniels' Rebuttal to SOTU Address

Indiana Governor, Mitch Daniels

(CNN) -- Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is to give the Republican Party response to the State of the Union speech on Tuesday night. Below is a transcript of the speech.

Daniels: Greetings from the home of Super Bowl XLVI.
The status of loyal opposition imposes on those out of power some serious responsibilities: to show respect for the presidency and its occupant, to express agreement where it exists.

Republicans tonight salute our president, for instance, for his aggressive pursuit of the murderers of 9/11 and for bravely backing long overdue changes in public education. I personally would add to that list admiration for the strong family commitment that he and the first lady have displayed to a nation sorely needing such examples.
On these evenings, presidents naturally seek to find the sunny side of our national condition. But when President Obama claims that the state of our union is anything but grave, he must know in his heart that this is not true.

The president did not cause the economic and fiscal crises that continue in America tonight, but he was elected on a promise to fix them, and he cannot claim that the last three years have made things anything but worse. The percentage of Americans with a job is at the lowest in decades. One in five men of prime working age and nearly half of all persons under 30 did not go to work today.

In three short years, an unprecedented explosion of spending, with borrowed money, has added trillions to an already unaffordable national debt. And yet the president has put us on a course to make it radically worse in the years ahead.

The federal government now spends one of every four dollars in the entire economy. It borrows one of every three dollars it spends. No nation, no entity, large or small, public or private, can thrive, or survive intact, with debts as huge as ours.

The president's grand experiment in trickle-down government has held back rather than sped economic recovery. He seems to sincerely believe we can build a middle class out of government jobs paid for with borrowed dollars. In fact, it works the other way: A government as big and bossy as this one is maintained on the backs of the middle class and those who hope to join it.

Those punished most by the wrong turns of the last three years are those unemployed or underemployed tonight and those so discouraged they've abandoned the search for work altogether. And no one's been more tragically harmed than the young people of this country, the first generation in memory to face a future less promising than their parents did.

As Republicans, our first concern is for those waiting tonight to begin or resume the climb up life's ladder. We do not accept that ours will ever be a nation of haves and have-nots. We must always be a nation of haves and soon-to-haves.

In our economic stagnation and indebtedness, we're only a short distance behind Greece, Spain, and other European countries now facing economic catastrophe. But ours is a fortunate land. Because the world uses our dollar for trade, we have a short grace period to deal with our dangers. But time is running out if we're to avoid the fate of Europe and those once-great nations of history that fell from the position of world leadership.

So 2012 is a year of true opportunity, maybe our last, to restore an America of hope and upward mobility and greater equality. The challenges aren't matters of ideology or party preference. The problems are simply mathematical, and the answers are purely practical.

An opposition that would earn its way back to leadership must offer not just criticism of failures that anyone can see, but a positive and credible plan to make life better, particularly for those aspiring to make a better life for themselves. Republicans accept this duty gratefully.

The routes back to an America of promise and to a solvent America that can pay its bills and protect its vulnerable start in the same place. The only way up for those suffering tonight, and the only way out of the dead end of debt into which we've driven, is a private economy that begins to grow and create jobs, real jobs, at a much faster rate than today. Contrary to the president's constant disparagement of people in business, it's one of the noblest of human pursuits. The late Steve Jobs -- what a fitting name he had -- created more of them than all those stimulus dollars the president borrowed and blew.

Out here in Indiana, when a businessperson asks me what he can do for our state, I say, "First, make money. Be successful. If you make a profit, you'll have something left to hire someone else, and some to donate to the good causes we love."

The extremism that stifles the development of homegrown energy, or cancels a perfectly safe pipeline that would employ tens of thousands, or jacks up consumer utility bills for no improvement in either human health or world temperature, is a pro-poverty policy. It must be replaced by a passionate pro-growth approach that breaks all ties and calls all close ones in favor of private-sector jobs that restore opportunity for all and generate the public revenues to pay our bills.

That means a dramatically simpler tax system of fewer loopholes and lower rates, a pause in the mindless piling on of expensive new regulations that devour dollars that otherwise could be used to hire somebody. It means maximizing on the new domestic energy technologies that are the best break our economy has gotten in years.

There's a second item on our national must-do list: We must unite to save the safety net. Medicare and Social Security have served us well, and that must continue. But after half and three- quarters of a century, respectively, it's not surprising they need some repairs. We can preserve them unchanged and untouched for those now in or near retirement, but we must fashion a new, affordable safety net so future Americans are protected, too.

Decades ago, for instance, we could afford to send millionaires pension checks and pay medical bills for even the wealthiest among us. Now, we can't, so the dollars we have should be devoted to those who need them most.

The mortal enemies of Social Security and Medicare are those who, in contempt of the plain arithmetic, continue to mislead Americans that we should change nothing. Listening to them much longer will mean that these proud programs implode, and take the American economy with them. It'll mean that coming generations are denied the jobs they need in their youth and the protection they deserve in their later years.

It's absolutely so that everyone should contribute to our national recovery, including of course the most affluent among us. There are smart ways and dumb ways to do this: The dumb way is to raise rates in a broken, grossly complex tax system, choking off growth without bringing in the revenues we need to meet our debts. The better course is to stop sending the wealthy benefits they do not need, and stop providing them so many tax preferences that distort our economy and do little or nothing to foster growth.

It's not fair and it's not true for the president to attack Republicans in Congress as obstacles on these questions. They and they alone have passed bills to reduce borrowing, reform entitlements, and encourage new job creation, only to be shot down time and time again by the president and his Democratic Senate allies.

This year, it falls to Republicans to level with our fellow citizens about this reality: If we fail to act to grow the private sector and save the safety net, nothing else will matter much. But to make such action happen, we also must work, in ways we Republicans have not always practiced, to bring Americans together.

No feature of the Obama presidency has been sadder than its constant efforts to divide us, to curry favor with some Americans by castigating others.

As in previous moments of national danger, we Americans are all in the same boat. If we drift, quarreling and paralyzed, over a Niagara of debt, we will all suffer, regardless of income, race, gender, or other category. If we fail to shift to a pro-jobs, pro- growth economic policy, there'll never be enough public revenue to pay for our safety net, national security, or whatever size government we decide to have.

As a loyal opposition, who put patriotism and national success ahead of party or ideology or any self-interest, we say that anyone who will join us in the cause of growth and solvency is our ally, and our friend. We will speak the language of unity. Let us rebuild our finances, and the safety net, and reopen the door to the stairway upward; any other disagreements we may have can wait.

You know, the most troubling contention in our national life these days isn't about economics, or policy at all. It's about us, as a free people. In two alarming ways, that contention is that we Americans just can't cut it anymore.

In word and deed, the president and his allies tell us that we just cannot handle ourselves in this complex, perilous world without their benevolent protection. Left to ourselves, we might pick the wrong health insurance, the wrong mortgage, the wrong school for our kids; why, unless they stop us, we might pick the wrong light bulb.

A second view, which I'll admit some Republicans also seem to hold, is that we Americans are no longer up to the job of self- government. We can't do the simple math that proves the unaffordability of today's safety net programs, or all the government we now have. We will fall for the con job that says we can just plow ahead and someone else will pick up the tab. We will allow ourselves to be pitted one against the other, blaming our neighbor for troubles worldwide trends or our own government has caused.

2012 must be the year we prove the doubters wrong. The year we strike out boldly not merely to avert national bankruptcy, but to say to a new generation that America is still the world's premier land of opportunity. Republicans will speak for those who believe in the dignity and capacity of the individual citizen; who believe that government is meant to serve the people rather than supervise them; who trust Americans enough to tell them the plain truth about the fix we are in, and to lay before them a specific, credible program of change big enough to meet the emergency we are facing.

We will advance our positive suggestions with confidence, because we know that Americans are still a people born to liberty. There is nothing wrong with the state of our union that the American people, addressed as free-born, mature citizens, cannot set right. Republicans in 2012 welcome all our countrymen to a program of renewal that rebuilds the dream for all, and makes our "city on a hill" shine once again.

Monday, January 23, 2012



After Governor Rick Perry dropped out of the race for the presidency, Two Sisters From The Right cannot endorse any of the remaining candidates.  We are still a conservative blog, but have decided that until the November election we will be members of the growing ABO Party, (Anyone But Obama). It is baffling that there are still Americans who would reelect this America hating president.   Our mission is to bring to the attention of our readers, and hopefully those with whom our links are shared, the dangers to our nation and to us as Americans that another four years of Barack Hussein Obama presents.  As we find groups of stories that don't get much coverage in the MSM, we will bring you the headlines, and the links.  Please join us in this effort to Save OUR Country.  God Bless The USA.

Two Sisters From The Right


Obama’s Government vs. Your Family

by John Hinderaker  - POWERLINE

Today Barack Obama released a proclamation commemorating the 39th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the low water mark of American constitutional jurisprudence since the Dred Scott case. Obama’s proclamation was not widely noted, except in circles that take (as Scott put it long ago) the sacramental view of abortion. But I happened to read it, and was struck by this brazen bit of Obama BS.  Read More...

The truly dismal state of the union
By Joseph Curl  - The Washington Times

There is one person — one American among the 300 million of us — who is not to blame for the state of the union. Everyone else, each of you, in some small or large way, bears some share of the blame, but not this guy. Not one little bit.

This guy is
Barack Obama. He is not the least bit to blame for the dismal state of the U.S. economy. George W. Bush is, for sure, and that evil Dick Cheney, oh, no doubt. House Speaker John A. Boehner — evil, too — is, of course, to blame. But guess what? So is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and every Democrat in the House and Senate. Read more...
Why are Barack Obama’s critics so smart? 


In response to Sullivan’s provocative article, which has stirred up a good deal of debate in America, here are five reasons why President Obama’s conservative critics are significantly smarter in their approach and thinking than his failing Left-wing administration in Washington:  Read more...

NUGENT: Fast and Furious stinks

In January of 2007 I had the privilege to attend Governor Rick Perry's Inaugural Ball.  It was a black tie affair and my escort, my son, even purchased a new tuxedo for the event which he of course wore with a traditional pair of black cowboy boots.   The night before and all that day Austin had been hit with a horrendous ice storm and we doubted that we could even travel to our hotel across from the Convention Center, even though my son lived in NW Austin because the roads were closed or covered in ice.

As the evening progressed, I was anxious to see and hear Ted Nugent.  The only thing I knew about "The Nuge", as my son referred to him,was that he "plays a mean guitar."  I hadn't expected the rocker to appear at the inaugural ball wearing a cutoff T-shirt  bearing the Confederate flag.  Not only was it offensive to some  because of the symbolism of slavery that the Confederate represents, but a very large number of attendees were Hispanics and Nugent made some rather offensive remarks about non English speakers.  To say the least, I wasn't very impressed. 

The next time I saw him was on a television interview, and although he seemed to be a bit over the top in his speech,  I found myself agreeing with what he had to say.  I began to read about Ted Nugent being a gun and hunting enthusiast, and his passion for America and for our freedoms.  I also learned that he and Governor Perry were friends.

On April 25, 2009 I attended the very first Tea Party hosted by Glenn Beck, and  held at The Alamo Plaza, in San Antonio.  Ted Nugent was one of the celebrities there, and he completely amazed the crowd with his awesome rendition of the National Anthem.  In 2010  I  was once again privileged to see Ted Nugent play the National Anthem at the Super Sunday Rally for Rick Perry and Sarah Palin at the Berry Center in Cypress, Texas.  Each time I saw him perform and heard him speak he had the same freedom loving message, and his passion for our country was unequaled by any other celebrity I'd ever heard.  

Ted Nugent is a gun owner and a firm believer in the second Amendment.  When I saw that he had written an article on Fast and Furious for the Washington Times, I knew that this was a message we needed to bring to our readers at Two Sisters From The Right.  Enjoy!
Sister One
for Two Sisters From The Right

Gun-smuggling scheme another reason to distrust government

The United States of America has turned into bizarro land. Think of this: Our very own Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), under the direct guidance of the attorney general of the United States - America’s top cop, mind you - not only allowed, but encouraged American gun dealers to sell about 2,000 guns to known punks involved in the drug trade in order to trace the guns to Mexican drug cartels. If you think that’s unbelievably nuts, get a load of this: The suspected goons who bought the guns were not even placed under law enforcement surveillance.

This is analogous to the Drug Enforcement Administration knowingly allowing international dope pushers to sell heroin on American streets without placing the dope dealers under surveillance in hopes that somehow, some way, the dope pushers would enable the DEA to trace the heroin back to some dirty, cave-dwelling Afghan opium poppy farmer so we could then poison the farmer’s poppy fields. Wait a minute, let’s not give this crackpot administration any more loony ideas.

In all of its bureaucratic buffoonery, the ATF lost control of the weapons. Of course it did, as there were no electronic tracing components on the guns. Our less-than-esteemed attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., to whom the ATF reports, claimed not to know a thing about this brain-dead operation.

What kind of inebriated idiot would hatch an evil scheme such as this and then believe that, somehow, the guns could be traced to Mexican drug cartels without an electronic tracing component? This isn’t some low-ranking bureaucratic village idiot but a high-ranking government bureaucratic idiot who is paid by U.S. taxpayers.

It’s not as if the drug cartels needed any more guns. An estimated 35,000 Mexicans have been slaughtered in recent years in drug-related violence. What could an additional 2,000 guns provide the already heavily armed drug cartels, which get all the fully automatic machine guns they could possibly want from their own military and Central American gunrunners? Are you kidding me?

We should be given the names of the bureaucratic idiots at ATF who hatched this criminal idea and the bureaucratic punks who authorized it. They shouldn’t just be fired. They should be prosecuted and put in a cage with other gunrunning thugs. That’s what this was: a U.S. government-sanctioned gun-smuggling scheme.

Meanwhile, because the bureaucratic punks in Washington who hatched and approved this terminally brain-dead gunrunning idea have not been charged with a crime, all across America, law-abiding citizens must comply with onerous gun restrictions that make them victims. Great. Punish the good guys. That seems to be standard operating procedure in Barack Obama’s and Eric Holder’s America.

More guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens ultimately ensures more dead bad guys - not more guns in the hands of violent dope dealers. I want an attorney general who declares open season on the recidivistic, violent punks who victimize law-abiding Americans.
Americans addicted to common sense have always had a healthy disdain for government bureaucrats addicted to power. Our instinctual distrust for government is further fueled by Mr. Holder’s ATF Operation Fast and Furious. At its core it was stupid, sinister, evil and criminal.

The only thing fast and furious that ought to happen is a full-on murder investigation by the FBI of the government goons who hatched, authorized and now are covering up this brain-dead, criminal scheme, which ended up costing the life of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Fast and Furious stinks. It smells just like Watergate did, only worse.

Ted Nugent is an American rock ‘n’ roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is the author of “Ted, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns & Rock ‘N’ Roll” (Regnery Publishing).


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Two Sisters Endorse!


Saturday, January 21, 2012




Friday, January 20, 2012

"Anita and I Thank You for Your Support"

On Wednesday before leaving town for a couple of days, we posted an article, enthused and encouraged by our fellow Rick Perry supporters that the Governor's campaign was gaining momentum in South Carolina.  Thursday was a day full of activities for these two sisters,  and we did not watch television or hear news all day.  By the time we arrived at our destination we were met with the news that Governor Perry had decided to suspend his campaign for the presidency of the United States.  Words fail to express the overwhelming feeling of  sadness and disappointment which engulfed us.  Not having a computer with us we reached for the iPhone and there, in black and white, we read the confirmation from our friends on various support groups on Facebook that Governor Perry had indeed decided to end his quest just prior to the South Carolina debate.

We  really need time to read, research, reassess and collect out thoughts, before we write our final words on Governor Rick Perry's campaign.  At this time we don't endorse any candidate but we continue to encourage everyone to vote to save the United States of America and to defeat Barack Hussein Obama.   Meanwhile, we bring to our readers the Governor's own words of gratitude and farewell.

Two Sisters 

Today I am suspending my campaign for President.
Anita and I have been blessed by the many supporters who have believed in our conservative vision for the country.

Although I will no longer be on the campaign trail, I will continue to champion conservative principles: a Washington that is humbler with a federal government that is smaller, real tax reform that can spur economic growth, and a renewed commitment to fiscal discipline so the future of this country is not mortgaged on a mountain of debt.

As we return to Austin and the Texas I love, I am proud to continue as governor of this great state and will work every day to make Texas a better place to do business and create jobs for all Texans.

We cannot thank you enough for your generous support which enabled our campaign to champion these conservative values.

God bless.
Rick Perry

Text of Governor Perry’s Remarks

Thank you. As I have stated numerous times on the campaign trail, this campaign has never been about the candidates.

I ran for President because I love America, our people and our freedom. But the mission is greater than the man.

As I have traveled across this great country: from New Hampshire to California, from Iowa to Florida, and to numerous states in between, I have discovered a tremendous purpose and resiliency in our people. 

They have never lost hope despite current circumstances.

They haven’t stopped believing in the promise of America or the American Dream.

Americans are down, but we can never be counted out. We are too great a people. What is broken in America is not our people, but our politics.

And what we need is a Washington that is humbler, with a federal government that is smaller so our people can live freer.

I entered this campaign offering a unique perspective: a governor who has led a large state leading the nation in job creation, an executive leader who has implemented conservative policies, a son of tenant farmers born with little more than a good name, but who has experienced the great possibilities of freedom.

But I have never believed that the cause of conservatism is embodied by any one individual. Our party, and the conservative philosophy, transcends any one individual. It is a movement of ideas that are greater than any one of us, and that will live beyond our years.

As a former Air Force pilot, I know we can’t lose track of the ultimate objective in carrying out our mission, and that objective is not only to defeat President Obama, but to replace him with a conservative leader who will bring about real change.

Our country is hurting with more than 13 million unemployed, nearly 50 million on food stamps and a debt of more than $15 trillion and growing.
We need bold, conservative leadership that will take on the entrenched interests and give the American People their country back.

I have always believed the mission is greater than the man.

As I have contemplated the future of this campaign, I have come to the conclusion that there is no viable path to victory for my candidacy in 2012.

Therefore, today I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Newt Gingrich for president.

I believe Newt is a conservative visionary who can transform our country.

We have had our differences, which campaigns inevitably bring out. And Newt is not perfect, but who among us is?

The fact is, there is forgiveness for those who seek God and I believe in the power of redemption, for it is a central tenet of my own Christian faith.

And I have no question Newt Gingrich has the heart of a conservative reformer, the ability to rally and captivate the conservative movement and the courage to tell the Washington interests to take a hike if it’s what is best for the country.

As a Texan, I have never shied away from a good fight, especially when the cause was right.

But as someone who has always admired a great Texas forefather — Sam Houston — I know when it is time for a “strategic retreat.”

So I will leave the trail, return home to Texas and wind down my 2012 campaign organization. And I will do so with pride knowing I gave myself fully to a cause worthy of our country.

And as I head home, I do so with the love of my life by my side, a woman who makes every day a good one when she is by my side, my wife Anita.

Thank you Anita for all you have done.

I also want to thank my son Griffin, my daughter Sydney, and my daughter-in-law Meredith for standing with us in this great effort.

With a good wife, three wonderful children, and a loving God in my life, things will be good no matter what the future holds.

I’m proud of the policies we put forward to the American people and believe they provide the right path forward for our party and our nation: overhauling Washington and returning power to state and local governments and to the people, creating energy jobs and energy security, cutting spending and eliminating unnecessary federal agencies and cutting taxes to a flat, fair 20 percent.

And I will continue to fight for these conservative reforms because the future of our country is at stake and the road we are traveling today – President Obama’s road – endangers our future.

I want to thank some wonderful individuals who have stood by my side in this state: Katon Dawson, Ambassador Wilkins, and a strong and good man serving you in Congress, Mick Mulvaney.

I want to thank all my supporters from across the country, in particular Governor Bobby Jindal, Steve Forbes and Governor Sam Brownback, as well as Senator Jim Inhofe, Congresswoman Candice Miller and Congressman Sam Graves.

And I want to say a special thanks to three distinguished veterans who have joined me on the campaign trail: Medal of Honor awardee and Navy SEAL Mike Thornton, Navy Cross recipient Marcus Luttrell and Purple Heart recipient, Marine Captain Dan Moran.

I began this race with a sense of calling.

I felt led into this arena to fight for the future of this country.

I feel no different today than I did then, knowing a calling never guarantees a particular destination, but a journey that tests one’s faith and character.

So now the journey leads us back to Texas, neither discouraged nor disenchanted, but instead rewarded for the experience and resolute to remain in the arena and in the service of a great nation.

Our country needs bold leadership and a real transformation.

We must rise to the occasion and elect a conservative champion to put our nation back on the right track.
And this I know, I am not done fighting for the cause of conservatism. In fact I have only begun to fight.

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.

Posted on January 19th, 2012


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Perry, Strong in South Carolina

While Mitt Romney is finding the words to explain why he has not released his tax records, why he has a fortune stashed away in offshore accounts, and why he contributes millions of dollars to the Mormon church while hundreds of American charities could benefit from his largess, Rick Perry is meeting one on one with the people of South Carolina, bringing them his message of how he as president CAN fix the mess in which Washington finds itself.

While the country awaits the revelations coming from Newt Gingrich's former wife, and the destructive effects that his adultery and divorce brought upon his family, Rick and Anita Perry are an example of how two people can honor their marital vows and work as a team in the public arena. 

 You won't hear the media say it.  As usual, the media has chosen to ignore Rick Perry, but he is having a great outpouring of support in South Carolina.   His strong performance in the South Carolina debate, and the message that as the only Washington outsider he brings to the country are being heard.

America cannot sustain another four years of a Barack Obama presidency.  Hopefully people have learned their lesson that the experiment of electing someone with no governing experience is a complete failure.  We have all suffered as a result.   

We Two Sisters From The Right endorse Governor Rick Perry as the presidential candidate for the Republican Party in 2012.  However, we encourage all conservatives, Republicans, undecideds, and patriots who love America, to vote AGAINST Barack Obama in November of 2012.  
Two Sisters From The Right

Gov. Rick Perry Calls for An End to Obama’s War on the States, Promotes Low Flat Tax, Overhaul of Washington Bureaucracy and Investment in American Jobs

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – Texas Gov. Rick Perry stood out as a solid conservative and the only true Washington and Wall Street outsider left in the GOP race, and decried the Obama administration war on South Carolina and other states’ efforts to pass Voter ID, immigration and other laws and policies.

“This administration is out of control,” Gov. Perry said. “The state of Texas is under assault by federal government. South Carolina is at war with this federal government and with this administration. What this Justice Department has done, not only have they taken them to task on Voter ID, they’ve also taken them to task on their
immigration law, and then the most egregious thing is the National Labor Relations Board coming into a right-to-work state and telling the state of South Carolina, ‘We’re not going to let a private company come in here.’ That is irresponsible, I will suggest to you it’s unconstitutional, and when I’m the president of the United States, the states are going to have substantially more rights to take care of their business and not be forced by the EPA, or by the Justice Department for that matter, to do things that are against the will of the people.”

During tonight’s debate, sponsored by Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and the South Carolina Republican Party, Gov. Perry laid out his commitment to overhauling Washington, cutting taxes to a flat and fair 20 percent and sparking American job creation. The debate highlighted Gov. Perry’s experience creating more than a million net new jobs during the last 11 years as the governor of the state of Texas, which is the 13th largest economy in the world.
In response to the bickering between the other candidates on the stage, Gov. Perry said, “This is a great example of the insiders that are having a conversation up here, and the fact of the matter is this: Washington, D.C., needs to leave the states alone and let the states decide this issues and don’t do it from Washington, D.C.”

Over the last several months, Gov. Perry has traveled the country sharing his plans to get America working again and emphasizing his commitment to bringing the change the American people want to see to Washington, D.C., as president. The governor’s Uproot and Overhaul Washington plan establishes a part-time Congress, and calls for cutting congressional sessions, staffs and salaries in half. The plan puts an end to bailouts and earmarks, and is designed to stop the out-of-control Washington spending that has put our nation more than $15 trillion in debt.

Gov. Perry also touted his Cut, Balance and Grow plan, which creates a simpler, flatter and fairer 20 percent personal and corporate tax rate; reigns in federal spending; and calls for a federal Balanced Budget Amendment. He has also laid out an Energizing American Jobs and Security plan designed to take advantage of our domestic energy resources, making the cost of electricity and fuel cheaper and more predictable, revitalizing manufacturing and reducing our country’s dangerous dependence on hostile foreign oil sources.

“We need to cut the tax rate down to where people feel confident that they can risk their capital and have a return on their investment,” Gov. Perry said. “That’s the reason that I’ve laid out a simple and flat tax of 20 percent with their home mortgage deduction and charitable deduction and local taxes deducted, get rid of capital gains tax, get rid of the tax on Social Security benefits and then take 20 percent of that and mail your check in. Even Timothy Geithner can get his taxes in on time with that type of a system.

“Getting America back to work again — that’s what I’ve done for 11 years as the governor of the 13th largest economy in the world. A million jobs that have been created in my state because we have created that climate where job creators know they can go out and risk their capital and have a return on their investment.

“As the president of the United States, that’s what I’m going to do. Walk into Washington, D.C., work towards a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution and work to make Congress a part-time body so they stay less time in Washington, D.C., go back home and get a real job like everybody else has, and live under the laws that they pass.”

Copyright www.rickperry.org


Thursday, January 5, 2012


Dear Readers,

Two Sisters From The Right have struck gold once again!  Tonight we bring you another perspective of the Iowa caucuses from a California friend, Bettina Viviano.  To hear the media reports, Rick Perry has little appeal and it only comes from Texans.  Not so, fellow conservatives, Rick Perry's support is nationwide and it has the GOP Moderates who teeter totter between left and centrist, in a panic.  When people panic, they do the unthinkable.   This is why the Republican establishment is bringing out the big "GOP Elitist" guns to prop up inept candidates like Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.   They want a candidate they can control.  Rick Perry is not one of them.   Sadly, along the way the RNC  have bought the allegiance of people whose neutrality was once of great importance to us; people such as Mike Huckabee, Rupert Murdoch and FOX News. 

Tonight, we are delighted to bring you a behind the scenes account of  yet another Iowa caucus experience.  Bettina Viviano is a staunch, tireless supporter of Governor Perry's, and we are honored that she has consented to allow us to print her Iowa report Bettina too was a member of Rick Perry's Iowa Strike Force.

Two Sisters From The Right has found a world wide audience and we pride ourselves in bringing you honest reporting regarding the political process in the United States.  Bettina, a producer and filmmaker worked, and continues to work on the documentary    We Will Not Be Silenced.         www.wewillnotbesilenced2008.com    It is her vast experience investigating fraudulent politics which gives her observations such credibility.

Thank you Bettina for traveling to Iowa and being a force for good, when when we as Americans increasingly find ourselves battling the forces of evil which make a mockery of our Constitution and our established democracy.  How we wish more Americans had your dedication!

Our message to all of our conservative readers is that United Behind The Man With The Vision, we can be triumphant in November 2012.  That man is Texas Governor Rick Perry.


by Bettina Viviano

THIS IS THE CAUCUS FRAUD MY PARTNER WAS TALKING ABOUT.   I think it SUCKS that the Democrats vote in OUR caucuses. After making my caucus fraud documentary in 2008, we have tried repeatedly to get caucuses OUTLAWED because they are hotbeds of fraud.  When I was on the drive to the caucus, my partner on the film, Patrick Hickey from Houston, called and told me the fraud was happening in Iowa.

From Bettina - Her thoughts on the Iowa caucuses, after seeing first hand what was taking place.  It shocked us, I know it will shock readers as well.

1) Santorum and Newt PANDERED to the Ethanol Lobby. The Ethanol people sent out a brochure before the caucuses and they of course hate Perry because he didn't pander to them. He comes from an oil state. If you go to a gas station in Iowa, the gas is cheaper but it is 85% ETHANOL.  It's bad for your car, and it's bad for the economy. Newt is an Ethanol LOBBYIST.  He took $300,000 from the Ethanol Lobby.  And Santorum gave a speech PANDERING LITERALLY to Ethanol. That is a big part of it.

2) I spoke at a caucus that was 2 hours outside of Des Moines. It was a pain in the ass, but I drove out there and back. On the drive out there, Patrick Hickey from Houston called me and told me that they all had indications that the SAME caucus fraud we saw in 2008 was going to happen in Iowa on OUR SIDE.   You do know how easy it is to commit fraud in caucuses, right?   Because we all lived through it.   I stayed to watch my votes counted and Perry won.   In all three precincts I was at Perry was no less than third. My two girlfriends were at caucuses in my area and saw the same thing.   I will never believe this was real, and there were tons of Democrats there.

3) I totally believe that every single thing that has happened in this race has been to one by one take out the challengers to Romney.   The problem for Romney is that Perry has big guns like Steve Forbes, Bobby Jindal, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, etc. who support him and the Texas cash keeps rolling in.   And, Perry has never lost an election and it's pretty hard to get him to quit.

I pray to God every single day that there will somehow be a massive conservative uprising of support for Perry because I truly believe it's the only way we get rid of Romney and beat Obama.  - BV

Bettina, we're right with you on that prayer. 

What is wrong with a country that WANTS candidates to pander to special interest groups?  Who would have ever imagined that we, The United States of America would have to endure a tyrannical presidency?  How could anyone have imagined that we would give rise to a socialist administration?  When are the American voters going to wake up?  WHY is the GOP resorting to tactics once known to be the trademark of Democrats?  There are too many questions and not enough answers. 
Two Sisters From The Right


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An Eyewitness Assessment of the Iowa Caucuses

Dear Readers:

Yesterday we brought you the reflections of Rick Perry supporters who felt compelled to write their thoughts after the Iowa Caucuses.  Today we are privileged to bring to you a first person, eyewitness account written by someone who was part of the Rick Perry Strike Force and has written the following assessment of the events in Iowa as they took place.

Ms Shook is a native of Iowa who presently resides in another state.  She traveled to Iowa to be a part of this important event.  We are fortunate indeed to be able to see some of the inner workings of the Iowas caucuses through her eyewitness accountThank you for letting us share your observations.  Above all, Linda, thank you for being there when so many of us wished we could have been.  On to South Carolina!
Two  Sisters From the Right

My Strike Force  Assessment on Iowa
by Linda Shook

 1.) Romney's Iowa team, along with MSM, was successful in convincing senior voters that he was the best candidate to defeat Obama. In my conversations with a couple of those seniors in my assigned caucus, this was their only motivating factor. The precinct chair was one of those seniors. In fact, she couldn't pronounce Santorum properly and was unaware of the policy positions of the candidates. 

 2.) About half of the 102 voters in my caucus site came in with Paul stickers and then proceeded to register to vote. A handful switched party affiliation in order to vote for Paul. This was Paul's advantage that won't be replicated in other states.

 3.) The votes in my precinct: Paul 41; Santorum 18; Romney 15; Gingrich 8; Perry 5; Bachmann 5; Huntsman 4; Write in Fred Kruger 1.

 4.) People came and filled out their ballots before listening to the speeches. I would like to think I swayed the 5 Perry votes, but voters came with their choices already made.

 5). Iowa is a tough state for a candidate to organize because of the structure of the state and county GOP organizations. Paul was the key speaker at numerous county fundraisers throughout the past 12 months. They rewarded him for those fundraisers in those counties last night.

 6). It is naive for anyone to believe that Iowa narrowed the non-Romney candidate to Santorum. He was justifiably rewarded for his hard work there over past 6 months. Evangelicals still a big factor in Iowa. That won't be replicated in other states.

 7). Perry needs to stay in at least thru SC. However, he needs to focus on message and stay away from negative attacks.
As Linda states about various issues, the conditions that existed in Iowa will not be replicated in other states.  That is to Perry's advantage.  We agree about the negative attacks.  We watched Iowans being interviewed and there were two things that had annoyed them most, the ringing phones and the negativity of ads on television.

In Florida as well as in Iowa the issue of senior voters, (a group to which we Sisters belong) needs to be clarified.  We believe that most seniors are in agreement  that there is a need to reform Medicare and Social  Security.  However, as we watch out for our children's and grandchildren's future we must convince those who are already recipients or soon to be recipients that their benefits will not change.  Fearmongering among seniors has no place in a discussion about reform.

Actually Obamacare has already created various unsatisfactory changes to Medicare benefits.  Some are aware of them, yet  many seem not  to recognize them.  Newly minted seniors such as ourselves can see the difference because  our healthcare coverage since we had to become Medicare recipients has increased substantially to more than we've ever paid.  Seniors are convinced to vote for Romney because they feel he can beat Obama?  The architect of the template used for Obamacare will be their savior?

Thank you Linda, for that great observation as it gives us an idea of an issue that we must clarify on behalf of Rick Perry.

Remembering that Iowa is only one state and that in 1980 70% of Iowans rejected Ronald Reagan and he went on to win the presidency, we should be newly inspired to continue  to convince voters that the future of our country lies with the election of the man with the vision.  That proven leader is Texas Governor Rick Perry!


Conservative Voices of America for Rick Perry

Last night, many of us who have supported Governor Rick Perry since he entered the race for president suffered great disillusionment as our candidate finished fifth in the race in Iowa.  We have taken random postings from our fellow Perry supporters which were written in various pages on Facebook, and decided to share them with our readers.  They are posted anonymously, we know who they are, but what is important to read is not their names, but rather the heartfelt thoughts, and feelings expressed in their writing.  

These folks are true Conservatives.  They are our kind of people.  We comprise those who want to adhere to the Constitution of the United States.  We want leaders who are fiscally responsible.  We want our borders secured, and our homeland capable of defending herself militarily.   We want smaller government and less government intrusion in our private lives and in the business of our individual states. We want a leader who is not afraid to pray in public, and is not ashamed of his faith.   

We are the people who will fight against Socialism and corruption.  We experienced a setback in Iowa, but Governor Perry might just decide to continue in the race.  He does have a very important job, running the state of Texas and keeping it from going under as other states have. However America needs him.   

We don't ask for much.  We just want OUR America back, and we will not go away.

Two Sisters From The Right and Conservative Voices of America

I, for one, am very worried that Gov. Perry will drop out of this race.....why? Without him, there IS NO true conservative......I have NO candidate to pull for, support, and vote for.....I am left with Romney, a moderate, Paul, a nut case, Santorum and Gingrich, both big government and big spenders.

I am both shocked and dismayed by the sheer manipulation of Fox News and the stupidity of the voting public....I can understand Faux News pushing for a Romney nominee...why? Because if Romney won the general election.....nothing much would change....i.e...we would still have a mess....and Folks, bad news sells much better than good news...

What I can't understand is why the public is not smart enough to see thru Faux News and actually LOOK at each candidate, examine their records and size up their accomplishments.....if they did this...they, too, would see that Gov. Perry is the ONLY stark contrast to Bummer and the ONLY one who can help turn this country around...

Without an intelligent electorate.....America has maybe 15 good years left..at best....but I feel that without an informed and involved electorate....America and her people will reap what they sow.....and they will deserve whatever hardships come because they have blindly been led to the point of no return......

Good luck, America, you will need it.

This business has me really upset way down deep, if you know what I mean. I am still trying to figure out exactly why Santorum surged from 1% to 20+% because it wasn't anything he did. And why Perry couldn't get past 10% no matter what he did. I understand that Rick Perry spent 5 million while Santorum spent about 30 thousand, but look at the results. I really would like to know what these politic...al kink makers are hiding from us. I feel like all of us here really put our hearts on the line for Perry and he likewise did the same for us. I have never felt so connected to a politician. The thought of him not being part of my life anymore is depressing, almost like a divorce. I sure hope he doesn't quit.

Regardless of what happens, I hope we can keep our group together as a force for good. We just may have to get a new mission. Anyway, give it some thought and let me know your ideas if Rick decides to remain in Texas.

Ron Paul hitched a ride on the Republican Party ticket, then hijacked it with indoctrinated young people and Democrats who switched parties thinking they were doing this country a favor! We are in a world of trouble and with voters like this, we are setting up for another Obama victory!
Governor Perry: We are so proud of you and the way that you have conducted yourself in this campaign, there aren't words to express it. You are a true Texan and we are thankful for you excellent leadership to our state for the last ten years.

 Many of us have worked very hard on your campaign through Facebook, emails and blogs. We know that the media and the RNC have not given you the respect, ...the support, and the exposure that others much less worthy than you have received. In our hearts, we who support you know that you are the best candidate for President of the United States. 

You are a man of honor, faith, integrity and above all have the proven leadership to get our country going again, and out of this socialist hole into which Barack Obama has placed us. I regret so much that those who voted in Iowa showed such lack of wisdom. The era when Americans thought for themselves seems to have passed and people are led as sheep by the media's pundits, and commentators. I have written in my about you and how the media has conspired with the elitist GOP establishment, the Washington insiders to cast a black out over your campaign and your message. 

It is our hope that when you return to Texas to reassess whether or not you will continue campaigning, that you know that we will support your decision 100%. The loser in this Iowa debacle is the GOP. We Texans will surely welcome you back as our governor. We thank you for your leadership, and for being an ideal governor for our state. God Bless You and the entire Perry family. May HE be with you and guide you as you gather your thoughts in the coming days. God Bless Texas and God Bless America.

Here is an excellent take on the Iowa results, and folks, we may not have heard the last from Perry and Gingrich. As Erickson says, "...Bachmann must drop out. Frankly, it makes sense for Perry to do so as well except for one issue.

If Rick Perry drops out of the race it will be the ultimate failure of the tea party movement to see the race come down to two or three big government conservatives.... Romney and Santorum both hide behind compassionate conservatism to expand the state to suit their purposes. Only Rick Perry has run a campaign to make Washington “as inconsequential to our lives as possible.”

In other words, again, the media is trying to control the results. Perry, please give SC a chance!

Last night the Republican Party lost me FOREVER. They lost me, and they lost my frequent contributions and membership. The Tea Party which I first attended on April 15, 2008 at the Alamo, in San Antonio, TX, lost me when they backed that deceitful, opportunistic, lecherous Herman Cain over Governor Rick Perry who attended the very first Tea Party in Austin on the same day I was in San Antonio. Right now I'm not worried about the Tea Party, they had a chance and blew it. Personally my main concern right now is the future of this great nation and the future of my children and grandchildren. My wish for them is to be able to enjoy the America in which I grew to adulthood.
And last but certainly not least, a word from one of the wisest Americans who ever lived.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms,  it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -Abraham Lincoln

On to South Carolina!


Monday, January 2, 2012

Rick Perry: the Right Leader for Tough Times

"I am a conservative of conviction, not of convenience. As president, I will take a wrecking ball to the Washington establishment and get government out of the way so we can get America working again."–Gov. Rick Perry
Rick Perry will get America working again.

The conservative principles that have guided him as governor are the same principles that will guide him as president: Don’t spend all the money. Cut taxes and regulation. And get government out of the way so the private sector can create jobs and renew the American economy.

Rick Perry has proven that conservative ideas really work. Under his leadership, Texas has gained more than one million jobs while the rest of the nation lost over two million jobs. His state represents 8% of America's population, but nearly 40% of America's job gains since June 2009.

It's time for a leader who will allow us to believe again – to believe that America's best days are ahead, that we are not consigned to a fate of high unemployment and economic despair, and that our place in the world can once again be secure with a policy of peace through strength.

That leader is Rick Perry. And the restoration of the American Dream begins today.

The Issues


Rick Perry will get government out of the way so we can get America working again. By cutting taxes, repealing regulations, balancing our budget and expanding domestic energy production America can create millions of new jobs. Perry not only espouses conservative economic ideas – he has put them to work in his home state, where nearly 40% of America’s net new jobs have been created since June 2009.

Fiscal Responsibility

Washington is broken. President Obama and other establishment politicians think it can be fixed with a pair of tweezers. Rick Perry knows it will require taking a wrecking ball to the three pillars of big government: overtaxing, overspending and overregulation.


As a proud Air Force veteran, Rick Perry believes we must pursue peace through strength and provide the resources to maintain the finest military force in history. Perry will advance American interests abroad by standing firm with our allies, and ensuring American blood and American Treasure are spent only when American interests are threatened. Equally important, he will protect the American homeland by forcing Washington to fulfill its constitutional duty of securing our borders.


Rick Perry believes government must stimulate job creation so more Americans are covered by employer-sponsored health plans. We must repeal Obamacare, and completely transform the healthcare safety net and entitlement programs that face long-term fiscal instability.

Social Issues

Rick Perry is a conservative of conviction, not of convenience. On the bedrock issues of life, marriage and the Second Amendment, Perry’s conservative values are clear and consistent, and his record backs up his rhetoric.

Rick Perry has always taken an unwavering stand in defense of life and he will continue to do so as president.
If elected, Perry would support a ban on tax dollars for abortion and a human life amendment to the U.S. Constitution. He will only appoint judges with a demonstrated commitment to the Constitution and interpreting the law as written, as he has done consistently as governor.

Perry has signed more pro-life legislation than any other governor in the history of his state, including:
  • A Parental Consent law for minors
  • The Prenatal Protection Act, which recognizes the personhood of an unborn child
  • The Woman’s Right to Know Act, requiring informed consent
  • A ban on late-term abortions
  • A law ensuring pregnant women receive a sonogram prior to an abortion
  • Defunded Planned Parenthood
Perry strongly supports traditional marriage. He signed the state Defense of Marriage Act and supported a marriage amendment to the state constitution, and he would do the same as president.

As a life-long hunter and a concealed handgun license holder, Perry is an ardent defender of the Second Amendment. As governor, he signed a Castle Doctrine bill to ensure citizens have the right to defend themselves in their homes. He signed agreements allowing licensed residents of 40 other states to carry concealed weapons in Texas, and vice versa. He also stopped local governments from prohibiting legally concealed weapons on public property, cut CHL renewal fees and protected shooting ranges from junk lawsuits

